Monday, March 31, 2014


Here are some random tidbits and pictures from March.

Funny Carter Sayings:
- Carter struck up a conversation with an older boy in the elevator during our Colorado trip.  Carter asked the boy where we was from.  After responding with his home state, he asked Carter where he was from and Carter replied "America".
- When we left our hotel in one day Colorado, Carter stopped everyone before getting to the parking lot and reminded us to hold hands.  Mom told him that was very smart.  And he replied "I know because I'm a genius".
- Carter has been in a major question asking phase lately.  One day mom asked him why he asks so many questions.  Carter's reply "because I'm obnoxious".
- In Colorado we passed a sign for Carter Lake.  Carter recognized his name and said they named the lake after him "because I am very cute and my name is cute".
- Mom had a business trip to NYC this month.  Carter asked if he could come and mom had to let him know he couldn't.  He replied "that's okay because when I am big and my boss let's me go to New York, I will invite you mom."

Boys started a band which specialized in GT fight songs
Carter reading Parker a book
Parker made this crown at school and won't take it off
Carter's current favorite hide-and-seek spot
Carter wanted to take a cowboy picture for his birthday invitation
He is really excited!
Parker is a bit of a crazy driver!
Enjoying the last GT basketball home game
Crazy pilot - watch out if you see him on your next flight!
Fishing at the park - Carter caught a whale shark

Napping from a long day fishing
The boys set up a drive-in-movie on the front porch
Someone was done with pictures!
Such a cutie!
We had a big birthday party month.  Here are some fun party pictures!
Carter and his lady Audrey - he asked her to marry him again at the party
Jake's 4th birthday at Catch Air
Blurry sliding at Everland Play for Charlie's 3rd Birthday
More Holden Family Sliding
Learning Karate at Finn and Charlie's birthday - Carter asked to start taking lessons
Carter and his other lady friend - Adeline

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ft Collins & Wren's First Birthday... cont

We spent our last full day in Ft. Collins cramming in as much fun as possible.  Up first was the Bird of Prey Rescue Center.  Carter enjoyed imitating the bald eagles.
Then we headed to a little Ft Collin's gem - Swetsville Zoo.  It's a family property who took their farm and turned into a wrought iron sculpture garden.  We're not sure how the zoo name got added but it was definitely a wild place!
Cowboy Alien and Carter
Parker found a dinosaur
Fairy house
Family jam session with the dinosaur band

More music time

Holden family and the dinosaur
Uncle Reido and his Nephews

Thomas - Parker's favorite

After the craziness of the zoo, we let the boys run off some energy at a local park.
Parker has to swing on the grab bar every time he goes down a slide
After naps we grabbed a quick dinner and got in some last family photos.
Before the boys jumped in bed.

It was a great weekend with the Burgess family, we all wish we lived closer!  And Happy Birthday Wren!