Sunday, July 31, 2016


Avery (1 year, 11 months) - Avery is a ball of personality as she closes in on number 2.  She is very opinionated, holds her own with the boys, often has a bottomless pit for a stomach, adores princesses and Elmo, yells to get attention and gives great bear hugs.  She has developed strong opinions about what clothes she wears and we spend a bit of time in the morning in the closet desiding what to wear.  She got her first "hair cut" this month when she got a comb stuck in her hair at school.  She wound it so tightly that we couldn't get it out and ended up having to cut it out.  Thankfully it isn't noticeable!

Eating dinner with Lucy
Fancy hair do
Someone got a comb stuck in their hair and had to have it cut out
"Dancing" to Shake It Off

Avery wanted to wear rain boots to the pool

Hanging with Addison

Parker (4 years, 8 months) - Parker had a great month.  He is definitely the middle child who splits his time trying to keep up with Carter and taking care of Avery.  He adored his summer camp and is very excited about starting Kindergarten this Fall.  
Chef Parker made dinner - chips and tater tots

Carter (6 years, 2 months) - Carter enjoyed July because he kept super busy.  Between vacations, camp and weekends with friends and at the pool, there wasn't much downtime.  We tried to work in a little school work with reading practice but mostly had a chill and fun summer.  Carter also spent the night for the first time with a Lovett friend (the other Carter) which was very successful!
Watching a movie with Andre
Andre, Carter and Jake - Best buddies
Making friends with the ducks
Just a little wet at the Splash Park
Playing lego's on the way to school with Carter W
Trying out the baby toys at Cooper's birthday

Sibling Pictures
Parker with his girl friend and favorite sister

Lunch at the Varisty

Dinner with the Lovett High School crowd
Playing cars with Mimi

Friday, July 29, 2016

July Camps

Carter had fun at several different camps to close out the summer.  He went back to Way 2 Play for a week for sports fun, had a week at Wild and Crazy camp where he got messy every day, a week at Lovett Ninja camp and finished with a week at Zoo camp.  Carter had fun at all of them especially because he got to spend time with lots of friends,  He has requested to do them all again next summer.

Way 2 Play camp picture

Parker had a blast at Camp Primrose.  He thought the weekly field trips were the coolest and had a blast with all the fun groups they brought in.   Highlights of July were field trips to Medieval Times and Legoland.  And activities with the Amazing Athletes and Reptile man.  The weekly Splash Day and Kona Ice truck were also a hit.  
Class picture at Medieval Times
Various art projects
Making pudding in Etiquette class

Aquarium art project
Science class
Sand art project
Amazing Athletes

Last day of camp
Avery loved her last month in the Toddler room.  She will miss her teachers but thankfully most of her friends will move to her new room with her.  Her favorite activities at school were fairly consistently music, art and splash day.

Summer art projects

Splash time

Story time with her new teacher

Last day of school Luau