Monday, February 29, 2016


Mom and Dad had some fun this month with a nice excuse to get dressed up for the Georgia Tech Alumni Gala and a night away to North Georgia Wine Country.

Avery (1 year, 6 months) -  Avery had her 18 month doctor visit this month and here are her stats:
Height - 32" (59th percentile)
Weight - 27lb (92nd percentile)
Head Circumference - 48.9 cm (97th percentile)
She is a very busy girl.  She is always moving and hates sitting still.  Avery loves mom's old quilt, her new pink Care Bear, books, bottles, her brothers, coloring, being outside, yelling, playing patty cake and so many other things.  She has started to talk a bit more and loves showing off knowledge of her ears, hands, feet and belly.
Playing on the Lovett track

Avery made herself an art project

Avery likes to pretend to talk on the phone
She loves showing off her belly

Dragging her Build-a-Bear box around the mall

Parker (4 years, 3 months) - Sweet Parker loves the camera!
He wanted to take a football picture
Proudly showing off his latest art creation
Making apple milkshakes with dad - his pick
Having fun at the circus

Carter (5 years, 9 months) - Carter is typically too cool or busy from all his activities to take any pictures!
With Cinderella from the Lovett musical


In the bird nest at the Zoo
Alliance Theater for the Young with the boys
Fancy pre-show lunch

Saturday night at the Gomez house

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Winter Basketball

Carter played Basketball this Winter in the same league as last winter.  Dad was head coach and the team had several of Carter's buddies on the roster, Jake, Andre and Alex.  He definitely improved from last year and was playing with some confidence by the end of the season on both sides of the ball.  Carter definitely prefers defense over offense though he got a real basket this season and was incredibly proud of himself.  Go Kings!
Carter's personal cheering section

Friday, February 26, 2016

This Week at School

Carter had a fun week at school.  He started his Spring enrichments - Keyboarding, Speed & Agility, and Swimming.  The Lower School had children's book illustrator Henry Cole visit this week and a special International Day on Thursday.  We also had second trimester conferences at the end of the week so Carter had a short week.  He got high marks for his math skills and enthusiasm for school.
Math class - measuring with feet
With Henry Cole
Making maracas in Mexico
Dance Party
Learning about China
Giving potential upcoming Kindergartner Alex Gomez a tour

Parker had fun finishing up his letter unit at school with more fun cards!
From Cousin Wren!

Avery had a fun week too based on the pictures!