Friday, September 30, 2016


Carter (6 years, 4 months) - September brought the official start of Cub Scouts and soccer games.  Carter has enjoyed Cub Scouts will all his buddies.  His den meets twice a month and Dad is one of his Den Leaders.  In soccer, Carter has moved up to the age group where they now play with refs, keep score, and have real goalies.  He has really enjoyed it and even scored a few goals.
Learning how to properly raise the flag
Cute little cub scout!
Two Carters at the football game
Carter's Cub Scout troop raising the flag before the high school football game

Cheering on the Lions as they take the field
Carter scoring a goal at soccer

Parker (4 years, 10 months) - Parker has had a ton of fun playing t-ball again.  He is one of the old guys on the team and it definitely shows as he is running faster and hitting harder than a year ago. Most Saturdays have been spent at Georgia Tech with Dad watching football after the t-ball game.  Parker LOVES the games and being on campus.  He has developed a strong affinity for wearing his GT mask at every game (he thinks its magic).
Goofing around at Anders' birthday party

Parker made a flag costume for Blue Bear
Parker and Mimi made Blue Bear pajamas
Eating dinner in his GT mask
Having fun at Sky Zone
Post game snacks with the Lake Monsters
Sweet neighborhood friends on Parker's t-ball team (and siblings)
Superhero day at the zoo

Someone slept with his GT mask on for a night game
GT game fun with dad
Hanging with Will at the GT game
Cheese dip and GT football - Parker is in heaven

Avery (2 years, 1 months) - Avery is a little ball of personality.  As she picks up more words she uses them regularly, mainly to tell her brothers what to do and demand things from mom/dad.  Thankfully she has developed an interest in sports and asks for "football" on a regular basis.  Avery is high energy and loves doing whatever her brothers are doing and has a fit when she can't.  She is also developing quite the independent streak and insists on picking out her own clothes, her cup/plate and buckling herself in her car seat.  She is also a stickler for things being in the "right place".  And Avery has picked up a fun habit of wearing her shoes to sleep, preferably her tennis shoes or hello kitty rain boots.  
Neighborhood breakfast tailgate
Watching the cheerleaders pre-football game

Best seat in the house

Dance party at the zoo
Hugging Charlotte at her birthday party
First face paint

Sharing candy with EK during a t-ball game

Date night with daddy

Another date night with Daddy

Friday night lights - Go Lions!

Showing off their Lego creations
Fun at the zoo
Carter trying to give Avery a kiss on the cheek

September School Pictures

Carter has settled in great to first grade.  He has made lots of new friends in his class and says he is having a lot of fun.  His favorite subjects are fairly similar from last year: P.E., Science, and Math.  He is also doing a number of fun after school activities including Legos, Tennis, Speed and Agility, and Soccer. Highlights of the month were his class' first field trip to the High Museum and the start of boy scouts.
Eric Carle inspired artwork
Checking in on the class caterpillars
Field trip to the High to see the Eric Carle exhibit
Releasing butterflies

Parker is all in for Kindergarten.  Seriously he gets excited for school every day and comes home asking to keep doing whatever they were doing at school  He also brings home a ridiculous amount of art he has worked on in his free time on a daily basis.  Parker has started weekly homework lessons and has fun doing it.  He is working a lot on his handwriting and doing a great job with it!
Rainy day dance party
Super hero day

Acting out ocean animals in a class play
Doing the Ostrich Walk during music class
Playing games during PE

Two birthday celebrations in one day
Doing his homework
Setting up a tea party during cultural celebration week
Pretending to be cars driving down the road
Making ice skates during sports week

Parker picked the outfits for team spirit day
Practicing walking on different types of lines
Making Maracas for a class performance
And Tambourines
Showing off his favorite musical instrument, the beads are his decoration
Making an elephant for animals around the world week
Welcome to England
Putting on a musical show
Making a sloth
Pretending to go camping on the playground
Sweet card from a friend at school

Fall pictures

Avery also had a fun month at school full of art, music, playground, centers and story time.  She loves her teachers and gets excited when Ms. B does her hair each day.  Avery likes being a helper at school and making sure everything is in order, she is a stickler for the rules.
Making hand prints around the world for culture week
Playing with the farm in centers
Learning Spanish

Sophie and Avery

Avery insists on wearing her backpack home every day
Waving Peru flags during culture week
Door decorations for cultures week
Music class
Avery and Charlotte
Harper and Avery

Showing off her mask

Playing with scarfs during music class

Sports Day
Painting a lion mane with a fork
Clayton and Avery

Class picture