Thursday, August 31, 2017


Between wrapping up summer, starting school and Fall activities kicking off, August kept us busy.  Mom/dad tried to fit in some fun adult activities to keep the balance in life.

Carter (7 years, 3 months) - The non-highlight of Carter's month was getting an MRI to follow up on his kidney issue from earlier in the summer.  He handled it like a champ and now we are deciding the best form of treatment for him.  He has also been putting his minecraft skills to work and building worlds with dad and Parker.  He was so proud of this village he built he asked me to take a picture and put it online so everyone could see.

Parker (5 years, 9 months) - Parker has been getting back into art lately (it may have something to do with the fact we finally organized the new art room).  He has been building creatures and lovies for Avery and making books.  His recent works are titled 'Up', 'Vote' and 'Go Jackets'.  He was super excited to get to celebrate his buddy Anders' birthday with a bowling party.  Parker got the only spare and was very proud of himself.

Avery (3 years) - Avery continuous her willful, spirited ways now that she is three.  One of her latest activities is playing dress up with random accessories she has collected over the years.  She likes to go on walks in these outfits which entertains the neighborhood.  Avery got her first manicure/pedicure after a few of her friends talked about the Hello Kitty chairs,  She insisted on sitting in the pink chair which was in the middle of the kids chairs so she didn't sit next to mom (Priorities).  Avery starts ballet next month so she went to pick out her clothes for class.  She was super excited to put them on and add a few stains to them ;)  Last, Avery got her first "haircut" this month.  She really just go one side trimmed to try and even out where we had to cut a comb out of her hair a while back.  She was very nervous but the promise of a lollipop made it all worth it.

Siblings - The kids had lots of fun adventures this month!  All three got to go to the dentists.  Thankfully they all got good reports but braces are definitely in all their futures.  The boys hit up a baseball game with dad and did a CFA fun run as well.  We tried to hit up a few last days at the pool and we made lots of trips to the Library (Avery won't let us leave without a picture with the frog).