Saturday, November 30, 2013

One Last GT Football Game

The boys were in a great mood this morning...
because they got to head to Tech for a morning of tailgating.  They really enjoy it and were sad that it was their last game.  The especially enjoyed it because they got to go to Waffle House for breakfast!
We spent the morning walking around campus, enjoying the fresh air, play games and chatting with friends.
Racing to mommy
Playing their new favorite game - red light, green light
Learning to use a megaphone
Appreciating art
Putting on a show at the Student Center

Mimi took the boys home for nap-time so they missed the game.  Unfortunately Tech lost a close one to UGA in overtime which was sad.  But it was a good game and there is always next year.  And I'm sure these two will make sure that we are there!

Friday, November 29, 2013


November seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye.  I guess the shorter days really make a difference.  Before we get to the boys, here are a few pictures from what dad has been up to this month.
"Work" trip to Tampa Bay @ Buccaneers Stadium for the TB vs ATL game
Start of GT Basketball Season
 Here is what the boys were up to the past month.

Parker (2 years)
Parker had a big birthday month and is definitely turning into a toddler.  He celebrated the milestone with his first trip to a bar.
Only to pick up post-soccer dinner of course!  In big Parker news, he moved to Carter's building at day care the last week of the month.  Carter was so sweet to him and holds his hand while they walk in.  On the first day, Carter took him around to meet all his friends and had everyone come over to say "Hi" to Parker when they arrived.  Parker adored the attention!  He has done pretty well with the move.  He has had a few crying moments (mainly when mom or dad leaves, or when Carter has to go to his room before Parker) but they seem to fade quickly.  

Parker is such a little adorable, opinionated, sweety these days.  Here are some pictures of him to prove it.
"Ok Mom" - he wore this hat all month

Someone loves Madie

Flying - over and over until Dad's arms gave out
Carter (3 years, 6 months)
Carter has such a big imagination these days.  He spends his days making forts/houses/restaurants out of couch cushions, making up new words and songs and getting into everything.  Case and point, this picture...
Instead of napping, Carter decided to redecorate his room including painting.  Since there is no paint in his room he improvised with a jar of vasoline.  He painted his wall, himself, his bed, books, carpet and clothes.  He was very proud of his job ;)  And to top it off, dad left for the airport as soon as he woke up.  He can be a handful but he gives excellent hugs to make up for it!
Watching basketball with dad
The boys seem to grow closer each week.  Parker always wants to do what Carter is doing.  Carter doesn't mind and likes to have his best pal nearby.  They can play together and occupy themselves for an extended period of time.  Now, how they play always leaves lots of post-play clean-up work, but hearing them talk and giggle together is totally worth it!
Building a bridge over the alligator swamp
An airplane
Cuddling while watching Super Why
More Maddie Hugs
Carter wanted to paint (a recent obsession)
so Parker joined in
Which turned into Finger Painting

Going on a ferry boat ride
Tickle Monster attack

Brother's wrestling
Watching Daniel Tiger in their car
Parker making his Choo-Choo face
Making Christmas decorations at hands on Christmas
Super excited for his first day at his new school!
And last but not least... It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Holden House.  The boys enjoyed putting ornaments on the tree and may enjoy taking them off the tree even more ;)

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Thanksgiving morning was spent in PJs watching the parade...
while dad took down our Thanksgiving decorations and put up Christmas lights.
The boys also put the final touches on their Thanksgiving tree.  Every day they each put something on the tree that they were thankful for.  Parker's favorite choice was "Yellow" - it made 8 appearances.  He also added blue bear, cookies, planes and flowers.  Carter mixed it up each day.  A few of his highlights are: our family, art, playgrouds, coffee and tables, bananas, pillows, parties (with birthday hats and cake) and books.  Mom and dad made a few additions like happy boys and naps.
That evening we went over to Mimi's for dinner.  She had lots of games and toys ready and the boys (all of them had a lot of fun).
The boys were particularly excited because Uncle Reid was in town to play with them (that was obviously the only reason he came to visit ;) ).
Dad took honors of carving the turkey.
And Mimi set a gorgeous table...
Or two!
Dinner was yummy and there was lots of things to keep the boys occupied.
After dinner, the boys put on a show complete with wrestling...
and Audience participation.
The cool down period consisted of a viewing of "What the fox says" on our cell phones.
Soon it was time to go home to bed.  It was a great evening.  Thank you so much to Mimi for hosting! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!