Friday, November 30, 2018


With the early Thanksgiving this year, November ended on a festive note with Christmas decorations going up and dad smoking a turkey.

We also had a lot going on in November.  Dad has been bit by the running bug and ran two 10ks.

We went to our annual 70's party and Colin won the award for 'Best Food' for his homemade beer bread with pineapple dip.  We were dressed as the 'Watergate Scandal' for most original costume.  And we had some other fun nights out with friends!

Avery (4 years, 3 months) - Avery finished up her first season of soccer.  She played more each week which was good and she really enjoyed it though that was probably driven by the trophy and medal she got at the last game.  She started cheer leading this winter and is all in so far!

Parker (7 years) - Parker finished up baseball and has started basketball for his winter sport.  He continues to love school and spend all his free time roaming around the neighborhood with his friends. 
The Gomez' had a party and Addy did her hair special since Parker was coming
Someone learned to blow a bubble

Carter (8 years, 6 months) - Carter finished up flag football in a high note with his team winning the tournament for their division.  He also finished up baseball and had started basketball and flag football for his winter sports.

Siblings - The kids had several fun adventures this month including the last home Georgia Tech football game.

A trip to Six Flags...  It was the first time either boy had been.

A Georgia Tech basketball game.

And other fun!
Afternoon play with neighbors
They found these geese while we were couch shopping and demanded to have their picture taken