Thursday, April 30, 2020


With stay-at-home orders through April we had lots of time for family fun.

Avery (5 years, 8 months) has been coming up with all sorts of ways to entertain herself which often causes chaos for the rest of us.  She tolerates schoolwork but loves getting to see her friends when she is done.  She spends most afternoons outside, dresses herself and generally causes chaos wherever she goes!
Playing Just Dance on the TV she and P made
She found a snake skin in our front yard
With her "walking pasta" snack from Mrs Tiffany
Very proud of her make-up

Parker (8 years, 5 months) has been loving being at home with the pets more and is frequently found curled up with Madie or Morgan.  He has been spending his free time riding bikes, building forts in the woods and playing in the backyard with friends. 

Carter (9 years, 11 months) had several fun drive by birthdays for friends this month and loved being able to see friends from outside our neighborhood.  He has been enjoying playing in the newly finished basements and spending time outside.

Siblings - the kids were very proud of their April Fools Day efforts.  Avery made "brown-Es" and the boys put up signs on the bathrooms. 

The weather has been nice outside so we have been able to turn on the sprinklers, play on the slip n slide quite a bit and spend lots of time on bikes.

Otherwise they have been doing their best to play nice together, enjoying outside movie night and spending time with their core group of neighborhood friends.  

April at School

Not as many school pictures this month but I promise they were learning something!

The boys started Teacher Appreciation celebrations with making signs to hold up for their teachers.  They were super cute and the teachers seemed to really enjoy them.

Parker enjoyed having Morgan as his permanent co-worker for the month.  He also held a virtual baby shower for his teacher and all the kids brought their favorite baby book to show her.

Avery started zoom calls with her class this month and while they are a mess with a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds, she really likes to see her teachers and friends.  She has also been working hard at school and is okay with getting things done as unless it is Writing.  She doesn't like writing at all!