Thursday, February 28, 2013

February - 2nd half

The second half of February involved lots of fun activity, indoor time, and some fun changes.  The biggest change was the boys starting a new part-time daycare.  With mom going back to work, we needed some help watching the kids.  So they are at a daycare across the street from mom's office a few days a week (they are still at Smyrna First on their normal schedule as well).

Parker is definitely growing up.  He will respond to requests accurately like taking a bowl to mom/dad, finding the cat or putting away his toys.  He has started being able to recognize animals by their sound.  And occasionally when you give him something he will say "Thank You" (or at least the general sounds).  He has also decided that he no longer needs a high chair.  He insists on eating all meals in a regular chair (which he must crawl in) next to his brother.

And on the humorous side of things.  Parker has developed a real interest in his male anatomy.  His latest trick when he's naked it to stand just in front of a chair push his hips out to make contact with the chair.  He thinks it is hilarious!

Here are some pictures of Parker
Future Doctor
Parker in his new Chair
Playing in the kitchen
Riding the Plasma Car
Riding his Giraffe

Carter is a ball on energy who never stops going!  He talks non-stop.  Lately his musical side has been coming out as he knows the words to almost every song on Toddler Radio.  And he is obsessed with singing the Ramblin Wreck song.

He is so funny because everything is very literal to him.  For example, at the zoo this week we were checking out the Komoto Dragon and he started walking towards the window where Carter was standing.  Dad told Carter that the dragon was coming to eat him because he tasted like chicken.  Carter replied, I'm not chicken I'm Carter.  He got a huge laugh out of some other visitors which he loved.
Taking a ride in the laundry basket
Here are some pictures from various activities over the past few weeks.  The boys went to a birthday party at Catch Air.
Going down the slide together
Parker LOVES bubbles lately
Getting in some Exercise
We took Carter to the circus for the first time.  Parker stayed home with Mimi so it was a special treat to hang out with just our little guy.
Enjoying the Pre-Show entertainment
Practicing being an Elephant trainer
Exhausted from a busy day, coming off a cotton candy rush and showing off his circus gear! 
Pops and Emme came over for a visit and the boys had a blast.
Playing in the fort with Pops
Carter the Monster!
Holden Boy Hug!
And with some really nice weather, we squeezed in a family trip to the zoo.
Parker liked to wave at people on the train

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Parker and His Meow

Parker has taken a real interest in Morgan lately and she is amazing in how she puts up with him!  Here are some pictures from Parker's latest love-fest with her!
So excited to see Morgan!
Blowing her a kiss
Going in for a 'Pet'
Giving her a kiss
A good back rub
And a good snuggle!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

February - 1st Half

It's been super busy first half of February.  Mom got a promotion at work which means going back full-time so we spend the months piecing childcare together and working lots of nights/weekends.  Thankfully we have some understanding bosses/co-workers and family to pitch in when we need it!  It's been a bit stressful but we're hopeful to have things back to normal soon.

And everyone has been healthy and feeling good, so we're thankful for that!  Mom's kidney stones and the boys' minor tummy bug seem to all be behind us.

Parker (15 months)
Little Parker is growing up.  His personality is coming out and he knows what he wants.  He is very opinionated and he works that pointer finger.  His latest obsessions include feeding himself, no matter how messy.
And he loves Rocking Chairs...
Even if he isn't using them to rock in.
Here are a few other pictures from the past few weeks...
Showing off his artistic side
Haircut - little boy in a big chair!
Putting on Brother's slippers
Walking in Brother's shoes
Rocking out with Elmo!
Happy Baby Toddler!

Carter (2 years, 3 months)
Carter has grown up a lot over the past few months.  He can keep up a conversation with anyone, remembers everything and talks non-stop.  He is a ball on energy, except for the initial 10 minutes in front of the TV.  He has an incredible imagination and loves to play pretend and come up with elaborate stories.

Here are a few pictures from the past week.
With his birthday gifts for Mimi - he choose a Thomas balloon, strawberry cup cake and orange/white flowers. 
Wearing his cooking gloves
Sitting criss-cross applesauce and telling mom a story.  This hand gesture typically goes along with  his saying "It happens".

As the boys get bigger, they seem to interact more and more.  You can let them go for a while and they will occupy each other.  There is always a lot of laughter during that time and a few tears ;)

Here they are "wrestling" in a box (Carter's description).
Turning the box into a car
Carter said Parker needed a hug.  The random hugs and kisses he give Parker are amazing! 
Watching (and pointing) at the train.
Bath time
Rainy morning in the basement bouncy house
Watching TV on the couch.  [Parker loves to sit on the couch!]