Wednesday, April 30, 2014


April was a busy month.  In case you didn't get enough between Disney and Easter, here are a few other random pictures and tid-bits.  Mom had a work trip, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and mom had another bout of kidney Stones which included a short overnight hospital stay.  

Baby girl is still going great and entertaining everyone with lots of daily kicks and jabs.  Both boys are a little confused about the baby thing as they like to talk about the babies in their belly and then proud show off their belly buttons to each other.

Parker spent several weeks upset each morning as he wasn't able to go to Disney World that day.  He is also starting to become quite the little chatter box though much of what he says still has to be interpreted.   Carter spent a lot of time getting ready to turn 4, playing soccer and generally being a little tooo smart for his own good ;)

As for the random pictures...
Mom and dad enjoyed a mid-week date night to see a TV show premier thanks to one of mom's college friends
Carter and dad were in charge of breakfast... that meant peep donuts
Carter being goofy - 4 year olds don't like to smile
Holden band
The boys wanted to say "Hi" to sister.  She was happy to kick back.
Carter showing off his baby belly
Climbing on the fire truck post-soccer with some of Carter's school friends.

Arm painting at the local Smyrna Jonquil festival
Carter helped lead Parker through the aquarium tunnels
Watching the band and getting pizza dinner with Grandma and Grandpa

Sunday, April 20, 2014


The boys woke up Easter morning to hear a bunny had paid them a visit.  Unfortunately he also played a trick on them and hit their Easter baskets.  Carter wasted no time taking the lead on the hunt.
First, he found Parker's basket...
And then he found his.
The boys spent the morning enjoying the new gifts.
Parker's favorite was his Nemo doll.
And Carter loved his new Busy Town game.
Soon it was time to head to Mimi's house for Easter with the Jones family.  That crazy Easter bunny had also left the boys some baskets there as well.
The boys weren't complaining!
After some more Easter fun...
And a yummy lunch...
It was time for the Egg hunt.  The Easter bunny went a little crazy with the eggs which the boys didn't seem to mind.
The boys ended up with a giant basket of eggs and celebration ensued!
Unfortunately it was a bit heavy for one boy to move.
But two brothers are better than one!
After we opened all those eggs, the boys put on a musical show/parade.
Soon it was time to say our good-byes.
Happy Easter Everyone!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Neighborhood Easter Party

Our neighborhood's Spring Fling was today.  The boys immediately ran into the Easter Bunny upon arriving and were very excited to see him.
The Easter Egg hunt kicked off shortly after we arrived.  Carter was an egg hunting machine.
And both boys were thrilled to show off their loot!
After eggs, the boys visited the petting zoo.
Baby Pig!
Soon it was time for the Magician.  The Boys LOVED it.  They cracked up at each other the whole time.
Afterwards, they even got to pet the magic bunny.
It was a gorgeous day and a nice way to acclimate the boys back to non-Disney life.  We're sure it won't be our last Easter fun this year.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Magic Kingdom - Day 2

Mickey decided we had time for a quick trip back to the Magic Kingdom before heading home.
We started the day checking out the last few rides we didn't do on our first day including Jungle Cruise...
and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (this is a Carter favorite and it was closed our first day).
Mom and Carter also checked out Splash Mountain.
Mom and Carter are in the last row
Mom had to keep her hands on Carter's head the whole ride so his hair didn't get wet =)
We visited Tom Sawyer's Island.
The boys really like the old barrel bridge
And took a ride on the Riverboat.
Before letting Parker have one last ride on Peter Pan and two on his favorite, the Carousel.
Before long we had to head home.  In truth, we offered to let the boys pick two more rides, but both were so tired they asked to go home instead of ride something else.  It was a wonderful trip with lots of memories.  The boys had a blast as Parker balled when we got home and was begging to go back to the hotel crying himself to sleep.  We will definitely plan another trip to Disney again as a family of five!