Saturday, May 31, 2014


Here is a download from what the boys were up to during May.

Carter is growing into his new 4-year old status.  Size wise he is wearing 4t shirts, 3t bottoms and size 11 shoes.  Mentally he is trying to soak everything in.  He asks thousands of questions a day, he is very certain of things he knows, he can be independent and likes to listen to directions when it pleases him.  He is also a big hugger and can't leave school for the day without big bear hugs from his teachers and friends.  He loves to cuddle with mom/dad and is liberal with his hugs and kisses.  He has moved into a new bedroom with a big boy bed which he enjoys but he always fights going to bed.  He is too worried he will miss something while he is asleep.  He also went through a phase this month where he was very concerned about fire at the house.  We had to walk around to the stove, grill, etc. before bed so he could see everything was turned off.  He sleeps around 9-10 hours at night and takes a two hour nap.
Carter finished up soccer season this month.  He improved a lot from last fall.  We'll let him chose if he wants to play soccer or baseball in the fall.
Middle player in white - running to score
Soccer picture
Scoring his last goal of the season - it was hard to get him on the offensive side of the field.
He got a lot of Lego's for his birthday and he has LOVED playing with them and building with dad.
Mom's car was dirty ;(
We let Carter pick where he wanted to go for dinner after his 4 year old shots - he chose Waffle House
Dad and Carter hit up a few GT baseball games.  Carter picked dinner again - Waffle House.
Carter got a ball at the game and a cheek tattoo from some kids.  He made it through the whole game and had a blast!
Summer baseball started with his first practice.  Carter seems to enjoy it so far.

Parker has been really into music and singing lately.  He loves Carter's new guitar and puts on nightly concerts for us (favorite tunes are Let it Go, ABCs and What the Fox Says).  He is starting to expand his eating habits both at school and home.  We have been working hard to make sure he tries everything on his plate and he has been reluctantly obliging.  We finally convinced Parker to move out of the crib this month and into his new toddler bed (Carter's old room).  He has done great with the transition and waits in his bed for mom/dad to come get him.  He is sleeping 11-12 hours at night and taking a 2 hour nap.  He is also still moving forward on self-led potty training.  He has been going #2 in the potty at home for several months and lately he has been going all the time at home and out.  He has been very reluctant to stop wearing a diaper but we think we have him convinced to try a pull-up and underwear.  We are still letting him lead the process as we don't want to push too much change at once.

Parker went to a birthday party at the firehouse - he loved it!
Parker and his buddies from school at the party
Parker has taken to climbing - the outside of the stairs is his favorite place.
Staying dry at Carter's last soccer game
Putting on a "singing" show
Playing Lion in the front yard
Wanting to play baseball like big brother
The Brothers continue to play more together each month.  Parker loves to copy anything Carter does and Carter doesn't seem to mind too much.  They still have to work through sharing sometimes and Carter being less rough with Parker.  But overall they can entertain each other and spend lots of time laughing together (best sound ever).

Parker enjoyed watching Carter open his birthday gifts and 'ooohed' and 'aaahed' over everything.
Cutie cooks
Crazy cooks
Building a fort for their cars
Trying out every bed at Ikea
4 year and 2-1/2 year doctor appointments.  Poor Carter got 3 shots (done until he's 11!!!) - none for Parker.
They built a bed to take a nap together
Fun at Teagan's birthday party - love how Reid (Teagan's brother) was waiting to catch Colin.

Carter really takes a big brother role at times - here he is putting Parker's shoes and socks on.
Both boys had Dentist appointments this month - Carter had a "sugar bug" that he had to get taken out.  No more night-time snacks for him!
Parker got the all clear!
The boys planted a Garden which is growing fairly well.  We had to put up a fence to keep the bunnies out.
Playing leapfrog

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Mom and Dad have been extremely busy the past few months and with weekend soccer, birthday parties, etc.. we haven't had much time to slow down and do more family activities.  So we planned a jam-packed Memorial Day Weekend.  It started with a date night for mom and dad to celebrate our 9 year wedding anniversary.  The next morning we all went strawberry picking at a farm south of town.  The boys had a blast and Carter declared "Strawberry picking his favorite season of the year."  The boys came home with a huge amount of strawberries (minus a few which somehow disappeared in the car).
After naps we fit in some water table time.
Saturday evening we headed to the pool for a pizza party and swimming evening with a group of neighborhood friends.  The boys had a blast and we had to drag Parker away!
The next morning, Parker made a few calls to Mimi and Uncle Reido to invite them to his restaurant for breakfast while dad got started on his own restaurant-fare for the day with the smoker.
Then after a trip to the store for supplies, the boys set up their house for the night... a backyard tent.  That evening, everyone enjoyed some smore's at the camp fire (Carter's request) before the boys settled in for bed.  They slept all night in the tent!  And have made plans to do it again.
The boys got in a little art project before the weekend was out with some help from Dad and with little sis in mind.
And of course there was more time at the pool ;)
Happy Memorial Day everyone.  Hope you also had a great weekend enjoying all the wonderful opportunities we have, remembering those who have sacrificed so we can have them, and appreciating the extra family time.