Monday, August 31, 2020


August was definitely a busier month than the recent norm for us.  We have been doing several home projects including adding a home office to the house for Colin and completely redoing the backyard which wrapped up.  The kids started sports, Colin got to "attend" a Braves game from afar and we hung out with friends when we could.  It was nice to have a little normalcy before the winter weather comes and things slow again.

Avery (6 years) - Avery kicked off her Fall Sports season participating in a family wiffle ball game with Carter's baseball team.  She got several hits and runs with the help of coach dad.  He favorite part of the day was the water balloon fight.  She had no problems hanging with the big boys.  Avery and dad had a fun drive-in movie date night.  And Avery started softball again with dad as her coach and a team of all friends.  She basically plays because her friends do but is excited to be a Rainbow Unicorn.  She continues to have a strong group of neighborhood girls she plays with about every day.  

Parker (8 years, 9 months) - Parker decided to try out for the same travel baseball organization Carter played with last year and he excitedly made a team.  He has been enjoying the kid son his team but is still getting use to the higher expectations from his coaches and the extra practices.  He has been working on pitching and is excited to give it a try in a game soon!

Carter (10 years, 3 months) - Carter's travel baseball season and Summer golf seasons came to an end this month.  He tried out and made the baseball team again for the next year so he is back playing baseball all the time!  He enjoyed his golf season though it was mainly because he got to see several friends on the course each week.  Carter also got to go to iFly with his friend Phillip for his birthday.

Siblings - The backyard and the ball field have been the most frequently visited locations for the Holden's this month!


Friday, August 28, 2020

August at School

 First to go back to school this year were the boys.  They are fortunate to be able to go in person and despite the mask requirements and social distancing plans they haven't seemed to mind at all.  Carter is a 5th grader in his last year of Lower School (Elementary).  

Parker is in 3rd grade.  

Both boys have been super happy with the teachers and classmates so far and have enjoyed being physically back in school.  

School definitely looks different as the boys don't go to shared spaces instead resource teachers come to their rooms and they have lunch outside.  They also stay within their classes so they aren't able to see their friends in other classes.  There is lots of hand washing, desk cleaning and social distancing.  

Avery was next to "go back".  She is doing virtual school at home to start the year and is really hoping to get to go back in person soon!

Avery has been managing the online learning fairly well.  Technology wise she is able to do most things on her own including getting into her classes and turning in assignments.  But she has a hard time keeping her attention on the screen for 4 hours each morning.