Monday, November 25, 2013

Parker at Age 2

Fact Sheet for Sweet, Littlest Man Parker at age 2!
Height - 33.5" (24%)
Weight - 26lb 4oz (27%)
Head Circumference - 49.5 cm (71%)
BMI - 16.44 (47%)

The weight include Blue Bear so he is probably an ounce or two less but he has definitely moved from the 7% he has been stuck at since 3 months.

Wears 18 month and 24 month / 2T clothes.  Size 6.5 shoe.  Size 5 diapers.

Bottom 2 year molars have come in so we are just waiting on the top two to finish off teething.

Goes to bed at 8 and wakes up between 7 and 8.  Takes a 2 hour nap and school and a 3 hour nap at home.

Parker just moved buildings at school so he and Carter are in the same place now (meaning Carter gets to hold his hand and walk him to his room in the morning - very cute).

Loves books, cars/trains, Carter and the pets.  Wants to do whatever Carter does.  Loves to jump, sing and dance to music.  Favorite songs are ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle and anything with animal songs.  He also likes riding in his coup and the plasma car.  He loves to wrestle with Carter and Dad.  And Blue Bear - poor thing never leaves his side!  And is always overdue for a bath.
Has been into Super Why lately but generally doesn't sit for more than 10 minutes to watch a show.

He likes baths (will literally beg for them at night before bed) and getting his teeth brushed.

Generally good at sharing his toys but he has learned the word "Mine" and he isn't scared to use it.

His food preferences are anything white and bland.  He will still take vegetables out of a pouch but he rarely eats them in their natural form.  He does enjoy fruit.  He doesn't eat a lot at one meal but it still growing which is good.  He still loves pops (lollipops).

He doesn't like when he is told "No".  He is an expert at turning on the water works and sticking out his bottom lip.  But we are onto him!

His favorite color is Yellow... hands down.

His vocabulary grows each week and he can string long sentences together.  We can understand about half of what he says.
He has started asking to have his diaper changed lately so hopefully he'll potty train earlier than Carter. But don't place any bets on this one.

He is a sweet little guy with a smile that melts your heart.  He loves to laugh, be happy, give hugs and kisses and cuddle.  We love him lots and lots and lots (from big brother!).  And he is Carter's "bestest pal".  Happy 2nd birthday P!

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