Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Avery - 1 Month Old

All about Avery at 1 month...
Her stats
Weight: 7lb 5.5oz - 7th percentile
Height: 19.8" - 8th percentile
Head Circumference: 36.8 cm - 43rd percentile
Sleeping on/near mom or dad
Her brother's singing
Baby faces book
All the food, clothes and goodies our wonderful friends and family have gifted Avery
Diaper changes
Sleeping in her crib
Nose Frieda - dealing with night time congestion
Trip outside the house (Legoland)
Smile (they happen pretty frequently in her sleep)
Avery's "schedule" varies daily but it generally starts with her wake up between 8 and 9.  She starts her day with a nursing schedule followed by a 2-3 hour morning nap and another nursing session.  A little play time and a short nursing session leads to a nap around an hour.  Followed by a little play, nursing and a 2-3 hour afternoon nap.  5-8 is her fussy time which is handled by lots of bouncing and cluster feeding.  Bedtime routine starts around 8 and includes swaddling, rocking and nursing.  She wakes up for several night-time feeds around 12/1 and 3/4.  She goes back down quickly unless her diaper or nose are bothering her.
- Little girl isn't a fan of sleeping on her back.  She may be put down that way but she will work her way onto her side or tummy.
- Carter tried to rename Avery shortly after her birth.  He was disheartened that he didn't pick her name so he called her Alexandra for a few weeks.
- Parker likes to call Avery by her full name but he has a problem with the z in Elizabeth.  So she is Avery Lillibith which has turned into the nickname 'Little Bit'.
- Avery is an occasional paci gal.  She loves to comfort nurse so we're trying too get her another option to give mom a break.
- Her clogged tear duct cleared up around 4 weeks
Still wearing newborn clothes and diapers but getting close to bumping up to size 1 diapers.
Happy 1 Month baby girl!

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