Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Spring Break 2017 - Destination #2 - Universal Studios

Universal Studios has changed a ton since mom/dad were there last.  The E.T. ride was still there but that was about it.  Carter's favorite ride was at Diagon Alley - from Harry Potter -(side note: both lands were incredibly well done with hands down the best themeing we have ever seen).  There was also a fun water slide that all the kids loved and lots of random characters for Avery to request pictures with.

Favorite Avery Memory: Avery loves to have her picture taken but she has always refused to stand next to a character or touch them.  So when we happen to see Hello Kitty, Avery bolted for her yelling "HELLO KITTY!!!" it was a huge shock.  She ran right through the line waiting for to greet Hello Kitty, pushing people aside as she went.  She immediately grabbed her hand and then hugged her.  Once we coaxed her away, she yelled "Again, Again" and ran back to the line to wait.  After 3 times of this (we had a random crowd watching Avery at this point), Hello Kitty asked if Avery would take a walk with her to which Avery enthusiastically accepted.  They walked hand-in-hand into the Hello Kitty store where Avery was given several Hello Kitty tattoos.

Favorite Carter Memory:  Carter ended up with a very special opportunity to ride on one of the floats in the nightly Mardi Gras parade with dad.  His Mardi Gras fun started that afternoon when he showed off his break dancing moves (who knew he had those) for lots of the performers.  That evening he and dad got to ride on the Chinese Dragon float (Carter's choice).  Carter was just tall enough to make the height requirement and could barely see over the float's sides but he had a blast throwing out hundreds of beads to the parade watchers.  Thankfully Avery and Parker were cute targets too, because they each came home with 60+ strands of beads.

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