Friday, April 27, 2018

April at School

Carter had a busy month as so much gets crammed into the last few months of school!  Big events for the month included the Spring Arts Festival, where the kids got to see a play, learn salsa dance, create a group art project, experience an art class in the Upper School and make their own art project.  Mom got to help with the art individual art project where Carter's grade created Kadinsky inspired paintings.  Another big event was Earth Week where the kids got to walk to school, participate in a e-Waste drive and have a project day where they made several projects from recycled/reused material.  Mom got to help the 2nd grade make bubble blowers out of plastic bottles and socks.  And in what was maybe the coolest school-wide event for the month, former President Jimmy Carter came to speak at chapel one day!

Carter also had three 2nd grade only events including a early Father's Day celebration, class musical and a poetry reading which included a poem each child wrote.  Carter's poem was about his family.

Parker also had a jam packed month.  It started with a fun Egg hunt for the kindergarten and then his class started their swimming rotation in PE.  Parker also got to partake in the Spring Arts Festival and Earth Week.  He was also excited because his class got to hang out with their fifth grade buddies again.  And they took a field trip to the Mayfield Dairy where they got to milk a pretend cow and eat fresh ice cream!  One common theme throughout the year in Kindergarten is the Lovett community so Parker's class identified a problem where there was lots of sand out of the sandbox on the K-1 playground so they organized a clean-up day to fix it.  Parker was super proud of their clean-up job!
Kindergarten Art Mural from the Spring Art Festival

Blowing bubbles through a sock during Earth Day

Avery continues to love school as long as she is on the playground or at centers.  She is working hard on writing her name and recognizing her letters.
Mr. Peter and Ms. Sona

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