Friday, August 30, 2019

August at School

Carter has been working very hard so far in fourth grade.  Definitely more homework and higher expectations than the past but so far he is doing a great job and really enjoying his teachers/classmates.  His class each had to pick 3 core values they are going to keep focused on during the year and tape them to their desks.  Carter was very proud of his choices.
Picture from all school chapel to start the year.  Lower School gets to sit on the floor.

Parker has been having a great time in second grade.  Math continues to be his favorite subject but he is really enjoying his specials like music, art and science.  And he loves being able to play on the big playground this year.

Avery has been really enjoying Kindergarten.  The whole grade started the year celebrating colors so they wore different color outfits each day for two weeks.  Kindergarten also had a parade to celebrate community helpers where each child dressed up like a community helper and they paraded around the school.  Avery chose to be a firefighter.  In terms of school work, she has been working hard on hand-writing and sight words.

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