Thursday, December 19, 2019

December at School

Carter was very excited for his first band concert this month.  He is really enjoying playing the Trombone and was so excited to get on stage and play.  He also had a fun Holiday party and was fortunate to have Mimi come in and make ornaments with his class.  Carter also fit in quite a bit of learning wrapping up the semester with units on conjunctions, fractions and the period before the American Revolution.  His class also completed a mini-mester project on design thinking where they organized a holiday party for the support staff at school.

Parker had a big month at school including performing in the Winter Musical, The Magical Christmas Toyshop.  His class' elf Murray came to visit and got into lots of adventures each day.  And the 2nd grade took a field trip to a local retirement center where they sang songs and helped make snowman soup.  There was also some learning along the way!

Avery had lots of fun events at school this month.  For their STEM day, the class built marble runs.  They had a Holiday Around the World Party where parents came in to teach the kids about holiday customs from various countries.  Mom led a table about Australia and the kids were very entertained to hear about beach Santa and eat Australian cookies.  Dad was able to sneak in one morning to be a Mystery Reader.  And she ended the month with a Holiday Party where Mimi and mom were able to help out. 

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