Tuesday, June 29, 2010

8 is Great!

Carter is proud to say that he is now a whopping 8 weeks old! It was a big week with his first weekend away from mom and dad and the start of school. So here are a few other highlights from his week.
We put Carter in the boppy chair for the first time. The height is actually perfect for keeping his head supported in the back. I don't think this will be a regular event for another month or so but he sure looked cute hanging out with dad watching soccer.
Dad also has a fun new game that Carter likes, though Madie isn't to sure. He lays on his dog blanket and Colin pulls him around the family room. He was confused at first but then got into it.

Carter's chub rolls are growing as well. He has Popeye arms only his are adorable baby fat not muscle.
All in all it was a great week but exhausting. Carter even fell asleep while playing in his activity gym for the first time. Also on the sleep front, Carter is up to a 5 hour stretch at night (usually 9-2). Hopefully that will continue to grow!

Sunday is his 2 month birthday and word is lots of people are planning fireworks to celebrate. Carter can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! Can't believe Little Carter is already 8 weeks! Time really does just fly by! :) He is so precious!
