Thursday, June 30, 2011

Month 13 Recap

It's hard to believe but our little guys is already 14 months old! My how time flies! Here is a quick update on what the little guy is up to these days.

Food: Carter has a really good appetite. His favorite foods are frozen veggies, bananas and strawberries. He enjoys milk, does fine with his sippy cup and has started taking a little Apple Juice at daycare. He will eat just about anything and loves using all 12 and counting of his teeth. He seems to have gone through a recent growth spurt so he seems to be getting all the nutrients he needs! He also has plenty of energy to play all day which is most important to him ;)

Sleep: Carter has really taken to his 1 nap a day. He still takes 2 sometimes on the weekends. He is going down for bed around 8:00-8:30 and waking up between 6:30 and 7:00. We can get a little extra shut eye on the weekend. He naps for a solid 2 hours at daycare but can push it to 3 on the weekends.

Play: This is Carter's specialty! He is into everything these days. He loves anything he can crawl in, under or on. He is still really into books and things that make music. His new favorite past times are pulling things out and putting them back, not usually in the same place. He also enjoys anything he can knock over. We spend lots of time building towers and Carter spends 2 seconds knocking them over. He says "Boom" whenever he does it. It is quite cute. Carter has also become quite cuddly. He likes hanging out in mom and dad's lap and doing a puzzle or reading a book. But his favorite things to do is laugh, he loves playing games and being silly!

Talk: Carter has a handful or words and lots of noises. Recently he has become more responsive to our requests. He also has become an expert at locating and pointing to dogs whenever we ask where the Dog is. He is also pretty good at cat. He is still working on his cat recognition. He has also mastered the sign for "More". He uses it frequently at meal time, snack time and in between. The boy has a good appetite. Carter also likes to 'High Five' and he loves to clap!

Movement: Carter has mastered walking with an object, bending over and picking up something and getting himself back up when he falls. He is still working on his balance especially as we tries new skills. He tries walking faster each day. He also isn't afraid of any terrain. He often sees a big kid doing things and tries to copy them. He has also mastered going down stairs.

Daycare: Carter is doing great at school. In addition to the things mentioned above, he is really thriving in his new room. We have to deal with a little separation anxiety in the mornings and the occasional biting incident but overall things are great. I think his favorite part of his new room is the mornings. First thing, the 2 older toddler rooms hang out together since there aren't many kids there. Carter really enjoys being around the older kids. He is fascinated by older kids in general. Every where we go he goes up to any older kid that will give him attention. He likes to watch them and he tries to copy them.

Overall the little guy is doing great. He is a happy boy, laughes constantly and such a joy!

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