Friday, August 12, 2011

15 Month Stats

Carter had his 15 month Dr appt today and here are some highlights. He passed all the development milestones for his age. He is saying a few words, able to indicate his wants, he can walk backwards, he imitates mom/dad and he likes to play ball.
He is also showing a lot of independence and not loving it when mom/dad set boundaries. In the past week he has learned how to open doors and unlock the dishwasher. He can crawl up the sofa and has figured out how to use the doggie stairs and bench to crawl up on mom/dad's bed. He wants attention most of the time and will pitch a fit when you don't give it to him or tell him "No". But he calms down about 10 seconds later when you distract him with something new.
On the stat side, he is still in the 40-50th percentile across the board ("very proportionate" Dr. Matthews said!). His weight is 23lbs 8oz, height is 31" and head circumference is 47-1/4 cm.
He had to get two vaccines this time (those get worse every time). He gets his last Hepatitis A shot at 18 months and then we are done until he is 4! Woo Hoo!!!
Overall, Carter is a typical 15 month old and doing great (but we already knew that!).

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