Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weekly Recap

Parker (3 weeks)
Parker is doing well being a typical baby. He is spending longer amounts of time asleep or awake. His umbilical cord finally fell off! He still has pretty jerky arm movements so we swaddle him really good at night. He is a pretty easy baby which might have something to do with him being the second or Carter getting a lot of attention. But either way so far he seems to have a pretty laid back demeanor. He really only cries loud when he has a lot of gas but he quiets down after a minute or so once it passes.

He seems to be making more of those funny baby faces...
I am really enjoying my time at home with the "littler" man.

Carter (19 months)
Carter seems to grow up so much each month/week. We are constantly amazed at what he knows and can do. He is like a little sponge that seems to soak in what he sees and then try to imitate it. A few examples:
- He has decided that he now wants to walk down the stairs like mom/dad rather than sliding on his belly. He makes sure to hold the handrail and one of our hands.
- When he is finished eating, he will grab a paper towel or wipe and clean up the table where he was eating
- He prefers to eat in a real chair rather than his high chair or booster seat. He will pull out the chair he wants and climb in when it is time for his snack.
- And in what may not be his smartest imitation, we still have regular Holden family dance parties and Carter like to imitate mom and dad's dance moves!

Carter is definitely growing in his vocabulary and understanding. Sometime we ask him to point to something or bring us something just to see what he knows. He usually get sit right about 75% of the time. He is the best with animals. He knows more animals than I think I do! He has also learned who Santa is and likes to point out all the Santa's he sees. He is also a big fan of all the Christmas decorations that are up particularly anything with lights or ornaments.

Physically we have been working on Galloping this week and Carter has gotten pretty good at it. Carter has been showing more of a shy side where he takes a little while to warm up to new people or places. Overall he is a ton of fun and we love all the new bits of his personality we see each month!

The Brothers
Carter has shown a real interest in taking care of little Parker and Parker has been very patient with letting him help. A few examples...
- when we go to change Parker's diaper, Carter will pull out all the supplies for us from the diaper caddy
- when Parker cries, Carter will get his Paci and try to put it in his mouth
- when Carter sees Parker's blankets not on him, he will grab them and put them on Parker
- he also tries to share his snacks with Parker
- before Carter goes to bed, he makes sure to give Parker a hug and a kiss

It's been a real treat to watch them interact so far. Hopefully the good relationship we have seen so far continues! Here are a few pictures of the boys in front of the tree!
In other news, we had a few milestones at the Holden House:
- Mom survived her first alone time with the boys for a few hours last Saturday evening while dad went to his company Christmas party. Everyone made it to bed on time and with full belly's!
- It is officially Christmas season in our neighborhood because the holiday golf cart is back. UPS rents a storage box and puts it by our club house during December. Each night a big truck comes and drops off all the packages for our neighborhood. Then a guy who lives here has a golf cart with a trailer on the back that he uses to distribute the packages around the neighborhood the next day. For some reason the whole set up makes me laugh!
- We cooked our first meal Sunday night since Parker was born. Thank you to everyone who dropped off food to get us through our first three weeks!

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