Sunday, May 27, 2012

Weekly Update

Parker (6 months)
This week was a big one for Parker and definitely evidence that he is now closer to being 1 than a newborn.  Parker is no longer content to just lay on his back and watch the world.  He wants to be part of it!

Parker is continuing to improve his sitting skills.  He will fall over when he tries to reach for something but he doesn't seem to mind too much.

Parker won't stay on his back for long (which makes diaper changing fun!).  He starts twisting from side to side the moment you lay him down.  He actually rolled across the floor this week.  He will usually come to a rest of his tummy so he can grab and chew everything around him.  He also started doing the frog leg push.  He will pull his feet up close to his belly and push them backwards lifting his tush in the air.  He is definitely showing some really early pre-crawling moves.

Despite his interest in crawling, Parker's favorite position these days is upright.  He loves to bounce.  Mom and dad are getting quite the upper body workout from lifting him up and down all day.

All this moving has made Parker quite tired!
That's a little wishful thinking.  He actually slept 13 hours straight two nights in a row this week.  Unfortunately he went back to waking up several times for the next few nights.  Hopefully he'll get back to the 13 hour stretches soon!

Carter (2 years)
Carter all of a sudden seems so much older than just a few weeks ago.  He is extremely active and is loving being outside playing with the neighborhood kids.  He is also an adorable big brother.

Parker adores his big brother.  This weekend, he was in a particularly playful mood and laughed every time Carter talked at him.  Mom/Dad asked Carter to tell Parker a story to see what happened.  So Carter started yelling "Story" and "School bus" at Parker.  Parker just laughed and laughed.  It was an amazing sight.  We grabbed a video at the end of the episode.  Carter is enjoying dinner 'al fresco' in the baby chair!

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