Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (8 months)
Parksie had a rough week (so did mom/dad).  He started the week with a fever and a super fussy nature.  It took several days of round the clock care (aka snuggles/hugs/kisses and lots of rocking) but he seemed back to normal by the end of the week.
Parker has shown a real interest in what mom/dad/Carter are doing.  So we pulled the Walker out of storage and he has loved moving around in it.  No real control in direction, but the ability to move is awesome.  He has also been eating more table food and doing a great job with it.  He has tried avocado, cheese, eggs, turkey and lots of fruit.  So far, so good.  He struggles to get the food in his mouth but he is an expert at eating from your hand/

Carter (2 years - 2 months)
Carter continues to amuse and amaze us more each week.  His vocabulary is just crazy!  He now tells us about what happened at school during the day, what he wants to do in the future and recounts what happened in the past.  He likes using adverbs like "too" and "again" and uses them correctly!  

It was community helpers week at school.  So he learned about Policemen, Firemen, Mail Carries, Vets and Pastors.  He worked on counting up to 30, the letter P and bring nice to our friends.  Just another week for a typical 2 year old.
Oh and we made him do the dishes...
Just kidding but he is on a kick of throwing things in the trash and cleaning the dishes.  Not going to complain about that!

We took a trip to the zoo this week where all the boys had a blast!
Carter asked to have his picture take with the gorilla statue.  He remembers the mom and baby statue and has to hug it each time he visits.
And there were bubbles as we left.  Think we will come back?  Yes says Carter!

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