Saturday, August 4, 2012

Carter at 2-1/4

Here's a quick update on what Carter is up to at 2-1/4.

His schedule has been very consistent for the year.  He wakes up around 7, takes a nap around 12 for 2 hours and goes to bed at 8.  He fits in 3 meals and 2 snacks and lots of physical activity in between.  He loves school and definitely comes home with something new he has learned each week.

His latest obsessions are singing songs, toy cars, the Olympics, stickers, talking on the phone, taking care of Parker and being a typical toddler.  He loves to get his way but he has a very sweet side to him.

He weighs around 27lbs and is getting close to 3' tall.  We have started moving him to 3T shirts and PJs, bottoms are still 2T.

His favorite songs to sing are Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Alphabet song.  He generally prefers to sing by himself and we have caught him singing Twinkle Twinkle to himself a few times while trying to fall asleep.

He eats a variety of foods though his preferences change weekly.  He eats lots of fruits/vegetables each day he just changes which ones he wants each week.  Okra, green beans bananas and peaches are his current favorites.  We recently gave him steak for the first time and it was a big hit!  But his favorite meal each week is probably a toss up between family Food Truck Tuesday picnics and Wednesday Waffle House with MeMaw.

He loves going to school each day and will talk on the way about who he is going to play with that day.  We even had a recent crying episode where he refused to leave when mom came to get him!

His vocabulary is great, he has been working on numbers 1-20, colors and shapes at school recently and he seems to have mastered most of them.  He is working on his letters, days of the week and months.

That's Carter is a nutshell!

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