Sunday, August 12, 2012

Visitors from the Wisconsin

Mom headed to the beach which meant the men of the house were flying solo in Atlanta... or were they?  Thursday morning Grandma showed up and brought guests, Oma and Opa (Carter and Parker's Great Grandparents West) came down as well.  We started our extended weekend with the West side of the family at one of Oma and Opa's favorite past haunts, the Waffle House at I-75N and Wade Green Road in Ackworth Georgia.  Needless to say, Carter was ecstatic to be at "Wahee House" (as he calls it) and Parker had a great time to.  Soon though we were headed home where Carter spotted a toy that Grandma brought down... A GeoTracks Train set... this was an instant hit and he has been playing with it daily ever since.  The train running through the tunnel always seems to get his attention.

Even Opa got down on the ground a number of times to play with Carter and his train.  Being the son of a real train conductor and avid train aficionado, Opa was very impressed with the cog wheel the train used to move around the track.

When we were at the house and not playing, we were watching a good bit of the Olympics and the PGA Championship

Carter sure liked watching the major events with everyone at the house.

But most of the time at home was spent playing

Parker also continued to work on his solid foods intake going to town on blueberries, strawberries, and puffs all weekend

In addition to the fun at home, we took the whole gang on a big trip to the aquarium.  Albeit a bit busy (it was the last day of summer for most metro Atlanta schools) all had a great time.

Although Carter seems to have been looking the wrong way in front of the big tank of Belugas (those Fruit Loops are very tasty).

Carter and Parker had a great time with Oma and Opa, it was great to have four generations of the West family together and to share our home and the new Atlanta attractions (since they moved back to Wisconsin) with them.  We look forward to visiting them again in Wisconsin soon!

Oma and Opa left early on Saturday, on Sunday we decided to visit even more of our friends at the Zoo.  Parker was very excited and assumed his prone animal watching position in his side of the stroller.

Carter, meanwhile, was right up on the fences with Grandma and Grandpa taking in the animal sights and informing his Grandparents of the name and color of each animal we saw.  He has become an expert Zoo tour guide and knows which animals are just around the corner as you walk.

Carter has now taken a great interest in the Parakeet Aviary.  We quickly gave him a feed stick and he and his Grandparents were off to find hungry birds.

This nice little yellow fellow was kind enough to oblige Carter

Not to be left out, Parker got lots of personal time with both Grandpa...

and Grandma as we toured the Zoo.

We spent a great morning at the Zoo and didn't leave till 1:00pm (well into both Parker and Carter's nap window) as everyone was having a great time (Parker did start to get tired towards the end, but come the ride home, he was still his smiley self)!

We had a great time with all our visitors and their assistance at home was greatly appreciated by an exhausted Dad at the end of the weekend.

Till next time!

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