Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Few Weeks of January

We spent the first few weeks of January recovering from our holiday coma.  Unfortunately it was time to head back to work and pack up the Christmas decorations... but not before a few last pictures.
But we'll leave the Christmas jammies out for just a while longer!  We spend a good amount of time at home letting the kids decompress and play with their new toys.
Playing the guitar while longing in his coup
Carter went to "Work" (his words) - Apparently he works some place that involves sorting food. 
We also spent time with family as the Holden's came to town from Wisconsin.  And Uncle Reido was home from school for the Holiday's.
We also fit in some football... Rise Up and Go Pack!
But you can't keep the Holden's home for long so we fit in lots of activities by mid-month including Charlie's 2nd birthday at the Little Gym...
Catch Air (Carter had a blast until the dance party started and the lights turned off while he was at the very top of the climbing structure!).
And the Botanical Gardens..
Looking for Frogs
Not sure that is the correct technique
Brer Rabbit and Friends
Boys only clubhouse
Piggy back ride from mom
As for the boys, they are growing up on us.  

Parker (14 months) is becoming more opinionated and has mastered cruising.  He will walk a little further each week when we encourage him too.  His new favorite food is Kale and he is finally starting to grow into his 12 month clothes.  He loves to clap, play peek-a-boo, blow raspberries and kisses.  He likes to meow at Morgan and click his teeth to try and call her.  He is a little fussy lately so we're sure some new teeth are on their way (has 5 at the moment).

Carter (2 years, 8 moths) never stops talking.  He will talk about anything and has his own adorable nuances.  When you ask him if he does something he says "Yes I do".  If you ask him if he can do something he says "Yes I can".  If he sees something he doesn't recognize he will point to it and say "I haven't seen that before" or "I don't know what that is" until you tell him what it.  He likes to add lots of emphasis to his speech and he will say "Ever Ever Ever".  He has started getting opinionated about his daily activities and when you ask him what he wants to do he will go on with a long list like "Watch Curious George, go to Target, go to the cookie house, see the turtles, play with Brody, have a snack, put Parksie down for a nap, cook dinner with daddy." and then finishes with "that would be a nice plan."

Finally, I was telling him about the college fund he got for Christmas.  And how he could use it to go to school one day where ever he wanted.  He told me he wanted to go to "Emory" and he "wants mom to come too".  If only I had the video camera to play that last comment back to him in 16 years!

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