Friday, January 25, 2013

Mid-January Happenings

We have been fortunate to enjoy some mild winter weather over the past few weeks, so they boys have had plenty of time outside.
Parker even went on his first drive-in date.
When not outside, the boys spend most of their indoor time playing with the kitchen.  Parker has gotten a bit adventurous these days and has decided kitchen time is more fun when he in on a stool.
Fortunately Carter is a good big brother and made sure he didn't fall ;)
Unfortunately big brother isn't always around and Parker has definitely developed a climbing streak!
Carter loves to cook food for his family but sometimes he gets hungry too.  Good thing he has lots of room in his pj's!
As much fun as the boys have with their kitchen, nothing beats the real thing.  We probably clean up bowls, cups and napkins 2-3 times a day.  
Especially because Carter has taken interest in art and likes to build "Gardens".  This evening, dad was his subject.
He had to "rest in his cocoon to become a butterfly".
In the biggest news of the month, Parker has finally decided to walk on his own!  He started going one day and was doing laps around the house a few days later.
He is still working on his balance and has a Frankenstein quality about his movements.  He's very adorable and mom, dad and Carter are all very proud of him!
Lastly, here are a few random pictures worth sharing.  Parker loves to climb on things and always picks the route that involves going over rather than around anything.  Here is a picture where he decided to climb through the magazine rack rather than walk around it.
Dad makes a mean spaghetti!
And Carter has developed a fear of monsters, so he likes to sleep in a tent so they can't get him.  He also has three night lights inside!

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