Sunday, November 30, 2014


November ended on a high note with a great GT vs UGA football game.  Dad got so into it, he had to ask Mom to come take the baby for fear he was going to throw her in the air or drop her.  Tech came out on top and Avery was unscathed so all is right in the world ;)  As for the rest of the month, enjoy some pics!

Avery (3 months) - Avery is a sweet little cuddle bug who is becoming more alert and interactive by the day.  Here are some random pictures of precious girl from the last month.
Watching football with dad
Early morning wake-up
She's always super happy in the morning
Deep in thought
Shopping with dad
Tummy Time
Telling dad about her day
Giving mom the sign for no more pictures
Sleeping at Caitlyn's Birthday Party
Happy morning!
Parker (3 years) - Parker has become more opinionated and vocal lately.  He gets very emotional when things don't go his way and he is incredibly stubborn.  But he's so cute he can typically get away with it.  We're trying to be better about disciplining him so we'll see how he responds.  He knows how to turn on the waterworks when he wants something.

He has started to become very opinionated about his clothing, insisting to wear the same Superhero shirt each day (this is new territory because brother has never cared what he wears).  He declared 7 his favorite number and requests 7 of things when asked how much he wants of something.  As previously mentioned, he has developed quite the ball collection he sleeps with (7 footballs).  This month he added two basketballs to the mix.  No room to toss and turn in his bed.
The funniest Parker moment occurred when P left the table to go potty during dinner one night (very typical as he likes to use it as a way to not eat).  A few minutes later we heard singing coming from his direction.  Upon investigation, he is sitting on the potty singing "Shake It Off".  He asked us to leave since he didn't want an audience. 

Here are some more Parker pictures.
Elephant puppet he made at school
Sweet note from his teacher
Playing a game of how many Peas fit in Parker's mouth
Lots of time spend building Hot Wheels tracks with his birthday presents
Not Happy
He has been requsting a blanket wrap during dinner because he is cold - Carter did it once so P has done it every night since.
He wanted to sleep in his Jacket over his PJs.

Carter (4 years, 6 months) - With the weather getting a little chilly, Carter has been spending time inside using his imagination in all sort of crazy ways.
His Train
His Zoo - including a Reptile House in the back
He wrapped up his Fall Soccer Season and moved onto Basketball (he had Evaluations).
He seems to be growing up so quick.  He is really enjoying school and likes to bring some parts of it home.  He likes doing worksheets and we have behavior pockets at home (you lose one of three sticks when you don't behave).  
Outside School with the Gomez brothers
He has started a few crazy sayings again.  When something doesn't go right he says "Ah Nutcracker" and when something crazy happens he says "Ey Yi Yi".  Here are some more fun November pictures.
Playing Disney Junior Twister - he's been really into games lately
He has been interested in game shows so we watched Top Chef
Crazy morning hair
Big fan of dad's Chicken Nuggets
He wanted to try on mom's shoes - apparently that didn't require pants 
Enjoying dad's M&M pancakes
Playing teacher with Noi at mom's work
Taking the class on a field trip to the Elephant Museum
He wanted a picture with his smiley face strudel
Sick day 1 breakfast with dad - IHOP
Sick day 2 breakfast with dad - Waffle House

Siblings - The kids all enjoy having each other around.  Carter loves his role as the big brother and watches out for Avery.  Parker is obsessed with his brother and wants to be everywhere he is.  The boys play together constantly and tears and laughter always ensue.  Avery loves her big brothers and is very liberal with her smiles and words for them.
Lunch at the Varisty - they picked the room with football on the TV and desk chairs.
Singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to Avery
Showing off their school Pledges
Carter decided to put Parker to bed - he is supervising teeth brushing
Enjoying their afternoon snack - Fruit Snacks in Applesauce
Boys day at the Aquarium
Playing in leaves (there are two boys in this photo)
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