Tuesday, February 28, 2017


February was a short but fun month.  We celebrated mom's birthday and even went to Prom (friend's birthday party).

Avery (2 years, 6 months) - Avery had her 2-1/2 check-up this month and it went well.  She is still moving up the growth curve though evening out a bit more (all that chasing after her brothers takes a lot of energy).
Height - 36.25" (61st percentile)
Weight - 31lb 13oz (81st percentile)
Head Circumference - 50 cm (91st percentile)

The highlight of Avery's month was her first date with dad.  It was actually a double date with her buddy Caroline to Chick-fil-A.  Avery picked out her dress and all the accessories (purse, jewelry, hair bows).  Daddy picked her up at the front door with flowers.
Another highlight was a trip to the final Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus (they are shutting down in May).
Avery is quite the little opinionated lady.  She is very opinionated on what she wears which often results in providing explanations to her school teachers about who picked out her outfit.  And very strange bed-time clothing choices including shoes.  She has taken a strong interest in cooking which is cute but involves lots of explanations on why she can't use the same knife as daddy.  She has new favorite songs from her favorite films - Can't Stop the Feeling (Troll Song) and Immortals (Baymax Song).  She  is going through a picky food phase where pasta and waffles seem to be the only consistent food choices.

Park play date with school buddies - Harper, Kennedy, Avery, Amelia

Parker (5 years, 3 months) - Parker had a great end to his basketball season.  He scored a basket in his last game (with a little help in dunking from dad).  Despite not wanting to play at first he ended up having a great time!

Parker also had a fun trip to Ashville to see Grandma/Grandpa and go sking zip-lining.  And he had his observation at Lovett which he enjoyed so much he asked if he could go to school there the next day.  
GT Baseball game with dad
Lovett sent Parker this cute card after his observation

Carter (6 years, 9 months) - Carter had his first overnight trip away with friends when we went to the Great Wolf Lodge with a friend from school for their birthday.  He had a blast and we could barely get him to stop to call us to check in.  Carter also had a great end to his basketball season.  He finally had confidence that he could score this year so it was fun to watch him hustle the whole game.


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