Friday, January 28, 2011

I walked into Carter's Room...

and look what I found!
We lowered Carter's crib all the way down about a month ago when we realized he had the strength to pull himself up. Since then he has started trying to pull up on all sorts of things but we hadn't seen him trying his crib yet.

Carter was SO proud of himself for his new accomplishment. We smiled from ear to ear and wouldn't stop laughing. It was really precious. He had a lot of fun looking around ans he even enjoyed laughing at all his friends he left behind down on the ground.

Then he realized what the side of his crib was perfect for... teething.

Carter wasn't quite so smooth on the landing. He basically just lets go and falls down. Not very graceful and unfortunately sometimes it elicits a few tears. But Carter wasn't deterred because he proceeded to do it all over again. His little fingers are barely long enough to reach the ledge but once he got them up there off he went!

And then there was more laughter! Carter's new trick sure is a hoot!

1 comment:

  1. Is there such thing as a happier baby? He does look so proud- precious!
