Saturday, August 31, 2013

Football Season

College football is back and today was Tech's first home game.  It was a noon kick-off vs. Elon so we decided to bring the boys to tailgate and stay for a little bit of the game.  Dad packed up the car and decorated the van.  He did such a good job that Car was concerned people would think we were riding in the Ramblin Wreck: "But they are silly mom because it is really a van."

Our tailgates have evolved over the years to include new ways to use our tailgate games...
New activities like bubbles...
And adorable babies keeping watch over the food.
Carter had been talking about the football game all week and was so excited.  It was really tough to keep him occupied for the 3-1/2 hours before the game began because all he wanted to do was go to the game.   Luckily Jacket Walk kept him entertained for awhile.  The boys watched the band and cheerleaders, checked out the Ramblin Wreck and saw Buzz (Parker cried and Carter gave him a fist bump).
Once the players arrived, Carter and Parker demanded to be held by dad (this is a very heavy feat these days).
Carter gave high-fives to all the players on their way to the stadium while Parker clung to dad.
This coach loved Charlie and gave him about 8 high-fives as he passed.
We took a quick trip by kids-fest to check out the bouncy houses.  They had a few options but the slide was the biggest hit.  Parker was able to climb up all by himself.
We let the boys rest for a bit while we packed up our stuff.
Soon it was off to the game.
It was an incredibly humid day so mom left with the boys with around 5:30 to go in the first quarter.  It was okay though because the score was already 28-0 Tech.
It ended up being a rout for the Jackets with a 70-0 win.  While at the game Carter talked the entire time about the game.  A few highlights:
  • One of the Elon players was shaken up on the play.  Carter wanted everyone to know "It's okay because the white team [Tech] said sorry.  Saying sorry is the most important thing.  The referee won't put the white team in time-out because they said sorry."
  • He made everyone put up their stop signs. "You have to put up your stop sign to stop the other team.  When you want them to stop running you put up your stop sign and they have to stop".  If only it was so easy.

1 comment:

  1. I love Carter's interpretation of everything going on around him. He was so cute on Saturday!
