Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Avery's Homecoming

We were all very excited to get the okay to leave the hospital at noon.  We got Avery changed and took a few pictures while we impatiently waited for the clock to strike 12:00pm.
At exactly 12:00 we loaded up the cart and headed out to the car.
We made it home to some pink touches...
And a sweet sleeping baby who didn't make a peep the whole way home.
We introduced Avery to a final few family members (who were very curious about the new family member for about 5 minutes).  Madie has always been very sweet when we bring a baby home.  She sniffs sweetly and gives little kisses.  She also keeps Morgan away keeping her body between Avery and Morgan at the times she is paying attention.  She definitely takes a protective role of her new pack addition.
Welcome home Avery!  We are all so very happy to have you with us!

1 comment:

  1. Love her so much already! She totally completes your beautiful family!
