Monday, February 18, 2019

Winter Break 2018 - Fun on the Ship

We had three sea days on the itinerary which left lots of time for fun on the boat.  The kids spend the majority of their time on the top few decks.  There was a Sports Complex which included a rock climbing wall, ropes course, mini golf and sports court.

We were able to book the whole sports court one day for a King Valley family dodgeball.  

We all did the ropes course as there was a little version for Avery.  The main version included a zipline and a plank obstacle where you walked out on an 8' ledge over the side of the boat.  Mom and dad completed the plank and the boys each gave it a shot.

Right next to the sports area was the kids pool area which had a small pool, splash area and several water slides.  One of the water slides had a trap door which mom and dad bravely did.

The kids also spent some time at the arcade.  And the whole family completed the Family Circus Escape Room and our team did the best!

There was also a glow party one night where the kids made it on TV with their rave gloves.

And Avery's favorite part of the ship ended up being Splash Academy, the kids club.  She asked to hang out there most sea days and went almost every evening.  There was one night all the kids went together and they all chanted "Friends forever" in a circle while we waited to check them in.

Most nights had a theme.  Avery came home as a fairy princess, got to dress up like a Pirate and go on a treasure hunt and even put on a circus show the last day.  She worked all week on her Tiger routine.  

Colin tried to pick her up early the last night (Pajama night) and she screamed until he left.  When he went back at the end she lost it crying because she never wanted to leave the kids club.  And she has asked to go back to the kids club several times since we have been home.

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