Sunday, July 4, 2021


June was mainly taken up by baseball with the boys but we managed to fit in a few other activities including lots of sports for dad (golf, Braves baseball, Hawks playoff basketball) and tennis for mom.  And it is officially porch season for every member of the house including Morgan.

We also celebrated Father's Day for this guy who puts up with the daily crazy of this bunch but is definitely always part of the fun!

Avery (6 years, 10 months) - Avery did an Art camp and Girl Scout camp in June which she both really enjoyed.  The rest of her time was spent running around with neighborhood friends, hanging at the pool and something involving baseball. Lots of time at the ball field has meant hiding in cars to avoid rain, lots of ring pops from the concession stand, countless selfies on moms phone, a new found interest in photography and several car naps.  She even tolerated going to a Braves game thanks to the countless snacks and games.

Parker (9 years, 7 months) - Parker got to play a lot of baseball in June which was ok because his team was super fun to watch!  He didn't mind too much as there were often trips to get snow cones or ice cream after games.  He also played in a tournament this month where he got to catch a game for his first time with this team.  He really enjoyed it and has asked to catch more going forward.  When not playing baseball he has enjoyed watching baseball, going to braves games and playing with friends.

Carter (11 years, 1 month) - Carter's month involved lots of baseball.  He really enjoyed his All-star season but is looking forward to a little break before activities picks up in August for next year.  He did two camps this month.  The first was a Boy Scout day camp where he worked on 4 different merit badges.  The second was a rising 6th grader camp which has him all excited for next year - mainly getting a locker and cafĂ© privileges.  

Siblings - We had a few fun birthdays thus month.  The kids were excited to celebrate cousin Chloe's birthday this month.  Chloe wasn't quiet sure about her dog ice cream but she enjoyed her presents and the attention.  We also got to celebrate Uncle Reid who thankfully enjoyed his ice cream and cake.

Otherwise lots of sibling time was spent around baseball.  We spent a weekend in Northwest Georgia where both boys had tournaments and spent lots of hours practicing, playing and cheering.  Baseball time extended to watching Braves games, pool parties with baseball friends and getting in game shape!

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