Saturday, October 30, 2021


October is typically our busier month of the year and this year was no exception.  The kids all had their activities going on, the boys had Fall Breaks, all the kids had conferences, Mom's tennis team made playoffs, Dad golfed a lot and the Braves made it to the World Series!

NetChix after our 1st playoff win
Happy Birthday Ashley
Oakland Cemetery Tour

Lovett Lionbackers Golf Tournament
King Springs Golf Tournament

Avery (7 years, 2 months) - Avery had a busy month just like the rest of the family!  She has really enjoyed playing soccer this Fall though the snacks are still her favorite part of the game.  She has been a trooper watching her brothers play lots of baseball and likes to be rewarded with ring pops from the concession stand.  She is loving school, her teacher and classmates.  

Fall School Picture - Avery picked the background
Book character day at school - Avery was Humphry the hamster

Braves Day at School

Minus 1 Front Tooth
Excited about her McKenzie Turner doll

Serving at Bat Girl for Parker's Baseball Team
Naptime at the Baseball Fields
Worn out from a day at the baseball field

Watching her friends' football practice

Watching a Braves World Series Game

U7 Reign FC

Avery and EK
Naptime with EK, Teagan and Wellesley

King Springs Fall Festival

Smyrna Birthday Celebration

Parker (9 years, 11 months) - October brought lots of baseball for Parker.  His travel team played in several tournaments and his rec team started their end of the season tournament.  Unfortunately the Red Wings didn't make it to the final round but Parker really enjoyed this team and even Avery broke down crying when the season ended.

Lovett 4th Graders wearing Red
Visit from Author Candace Fleming

Reid, Parker and Josh at a Braves Game

Carter (11 years, 5 months) - Not surprisingly most of Carter's month involved sports.  He did get to go to a Braves game with a friend but most of his sporting activity involved playing.  His travel baseball team played in a few tournaments and his rec team started the end of the season Fall tournament.  The Major Red Wings won their first 3 games and earned a spot in the Championship game.  Carter also continued Flag Football including getting to start at QB for a game.  And he decided to sign-up for Lovett's Middle School Wrestling team.  He has practice 5 days a week but is enjoying it so far.  We are excited to see him try something new that is outside his comfort zone!

Carter and Henry Houston

Carter's Slammers team getting interviewed by WSB about their excitement for the Braves' post-season

Playing QB for the first time

Siblings - Any time the kids spent together this month seemed to revolve around some sort of sporting activity...

Practicing their Wall Sits during Carter's D Bat lesson

Playing balloon ball

Fueling up between baseball games

The boys only have a few days off for Fall Break so with sports on the weekend we decided to stay in town and knock out fun things like Doctor appointments.  Dad was able to take a day off work and the Holden boys hit up Six Flags for the day.  Carter even conquered his fear and did a few upside down roller coasters. 
Boys day at Six Flags

Carter did a few upside down roller coasters and actually enjoyed them

Smyrna typically has a big birthday celebration every August but this year they moved the event to October.  The event includes a concert (Sister Hazel and Gin Blossoms), kids activities, fireworks and and basically the whole city of Smyrna.  We booked tables with several friends and enjoyed a beautiful evening of live music.

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