Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday America!

What better way to celebrate July 4th than with a trip to the beach where they have lots of fun activities to help celebrate? We decided to take full advantage of the day so we started with a trip to the beach where dad broke out the kite. Carter was mesmerized.

But like all obsessions with Carter, it didn't last long before he was on to the next big thing. In this case, a squishy purple ball.

But that soon lost interest as Carter decided to walk around for a while and enjoy the sites, sounds...

and sand!

But he eventually got a little lonely so he was excited to run to dad...

and snuggle with him for a while.

The boys decided to take a walk to check out the ocean.

All that movement made Carter thirsty, so he headed back to our spot

where he decided to take a load of and grab some water.

Soon it was time get up again and...

get his play on. Which meant "Cover Himself in Sand"!

Soon it was time to head home and get cleaned up so we could make it to the July 4th parade. We took the bikes over to watch. There were probably a hundred or so participants. Most were on golf carts...

But there were a few bikes, skateboards, boats...

And even a jelly fish!

It was all let by the Grand Marshall, the Isle of Palms Fire Department!

After the parade, we decided to head home for lunch. Apparently all the excitement wore Carter out because he didn't make it halfway home before it was nap time for the little guy.

After a nice long nap and some refueling, it was back to play. Carter has an obsession with crawling in things lately so he decided to give the cooler a try. Mom decided it made a fun ride.

Later that evening after dinner, it was time to head downtown for the 4th of July celebration. We made a quick stop on the way to take a picture of Carter and the manatee mailbox (a Sullivan's vacation tradition). He was all decked out for the 4th much to Carter's enjoyment!

There were more Fire Trucks downtown for Carter to scope out. Just when we marvel at how big he is getting, you put him next to this baby and be definitely is still baby-size.

While we waited for the fireworks, we enjoyed dancing to the live music and playing on the play ground. Carter made sure to get a turn in on the swings.

There were tons of kids around and all Carter wanted to do was play with them. Unfortunately we didn't think he was quite ready to join the basketball game yet so he had to watch from dad's shoulders on the sideline.

Then it was back to the playground for more fun!

Soon it was time for fireworks. Carter watched for a while with dad...

And then he moved onto mom.

He eventually gave up and just wanted to play again. Typical baby ;) The noise and lights didn't bother him at all. Surprisingly he didn't even flinch for the first one. We'll see how that tradition continues next year! It was a great day and we had a ton of fun celebrating America's birthday!

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