Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2nd is Bowl Day!

We all woke up early on the second and headed to what is quickly becoming Carter's favorite spot.  Waffle House!

After getting our fill of waffles, eggs, bacon, and some OJ... it was time for the serious part of the day.  The Tournament of Roses Parade.  Carter and Parker both seemed to take some interest in the parade, however, Parker seems to take interest in anything colorful and moving these days.  After the parade and a quick nap, it was time to head to the Fernbank Museum of Natural History before the big Rose Bowl game. We first started through the sensory exhibit and Carter was originally interested in the bubbles that he saw from afar, but when he got closer he was at first shy.

But soon warmed up and really loved watching the bubbles made from the large hoops

Carter ran around this exhibit seemingly fascinated by all the kids running around.  While he did not seem to get the point of any of the exhibits, he truly seemed to enjoy trying to make things happen.

One item he really seemed to like was the multi-color shadow wall.  A little girl who was close to 7 or 8 kept running in front of the wall and dancing which Carter found both hilarious and interesting as he would then dance as soon as she started.

After a while, Dad and Grandpa got distracted by a few optical illusions and lost both Carter and Grandma... we should have known where to find find them... back at the bubbles.

Carter saw a lot of new things in this exhibit and really seemed to enjoy himself.

The next exhibit was the new NatureQuest are to which Carter ran around like he owned it.  First up was a small clubhouse that was for kids only.  He quickly climbed in leaving all the adults behind.

It was a neat little area that was just his size, for the most part he seemed more interested in the other kids as opposed to the exhibits and he spent most of his time copying what the older kids were doing.

Soon though he realized that a number of terrariums were in the room and he and Grandma were on a hunt for little critters from salamanders.

to rat snakes.

There was also a glass floor that covered a mock archaeological dig, this is the first time Carter had stepped on a clear floor and was very confused what to do and took little steps the whole way across.  He was very concerned the whole time on this surface.

We continued down to the second floor and really got into the natural history of Georgia.  Carter seemed interested in the dinosaur models.

But by far, the most interesting item was the 16ft beaver model.

After a few hours at the museum, it was back to the house to get ready to watch the Badgers take on the Ducks in the Rose Bowl.  Carter really liked the pre-game snacks, especially the edamame.

Not only were the beans tasty, but their containers was a great toy!

Wisconsin  looked good in the game, but a few critical mistakes and turnovers gave the game to the Ducks who had a brilliant offensive performance.

And it was again to bed for one last day with Grandma and Grandpa.

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