Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (1 month)
Littlest man is growing up.  He definitely feels more substantial than he did a few weeks ago.  He still rotates between sleeping, eating and playing most of the day (sleeping being the bulk).  He prefers to sleep on mom or dad or while being held by either of them.
We are working on getting him to take naps in his sleeper and go to bed in his bassinet.  We are swaddling him at night but not during the day.
Parker is spitting up more over the past few weeks.  It doesn't seem to bother him but mom hates it because it means more laundry!
Parker was a big help this week packing up the rest of our Christmas decorations...
Other than that we are focusing on getting Parker to pack on the pounds and trying to introduce him to different types of stimulation.  With big brother Carter around, there is always lots to look at and listen to!  Also the little guy has had a bit of a cold this week.  So far it's just a runny nose (same with mom) so hopefully it clears up soon.

Carter (20 months)
Carter has also been feeling a bit down this week.  He was sent home from daycare with a fever so mom had both boys at home for a few days.  His 3rd canine tooth also popped through this week so I don't think that helped.  Of course dad was out of town when this happened but luckily Grandmommy was able to come over for reinforcement!  Fortunately, Carter is a pretty easy sick patient so it wasn't too bad and he seemed to be back to his normal self by the end of the week.

Carter has shown a real interest in drawing this week so we pulled out his art easel from Christmas.  It was a big hit.  He has spent several sessions at the easel each day scribbling away.
Carter continues to enjoy spending time playing with all his new toys.  Sometimes he gets a little too into his toys... where is Carter?
Carter continues to improve his communication and language skills.  He says new words each week and seems to understand most of what we say and ask him to do.  Whether he chooses to do what we say or if we can understand what he says are two different stories!  

He still really enjoys music and dancing so he was excited that gym and music classes started back this week after the holiday break.  Dad made sure to dress him in his best athletic gear for gym class.  Doesn't he look cute?
Waving Hello to the Camera
Saying "Cheese"
Besides activities, art and working on his development, Carter is focused on being a good big brother.  He gets concerned when "Baby" cries and he tries to share his snacks with him.  Carter has also shown a big interest in Parker taking a bath.  He likes to point to our bathtub and say "Baby Bath".  He is pretty good about watching for a while but then he wants get in himself.  Usually while fully clothed and this time with a snack ;)
He also likes to show Parker how all his old toys work.
It was a good week at the Holden House despite all the colds.  Hopefully that will be the end of the winter sickness for us (wishful thinking I know!).

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