Friday, January 13, 2012

Parker's Schedule at 2 Months

Here is a rough overview of Parker's daily life at 2 months.  I tend to follow a baby-led approach to things (especially at this age) so things vary based on what Parker wants to do but he seems to have a general timing to things lately.

6:00 am - wake up and eat
7:00 - say "Hi" to dad and Carter
7:30 - cat naps
8:30 - awake and ready to play
9:30 - eat
10:30 - alternate between cat nap/play
12:30 - eat
2:00 - solid afternoon nap 
5:00 - play
5:30 - eat
6:00 - hang out with Carter and dad before dinner
6:30 - try to let mom/dad eat 
7:00 - play with Carter
8:00 - eat
8:30 - nap (usually on dad)
10:30 - eat and down for the night
2:30 am - eat
3:30 - alternate between cat naps and sleep
and repeat!

We are working on changing this to something a bit more scheduled with regard to bed time.  Wish us luck!

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