Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekly Recap

It was a strange week... Leap Day and weather in the 70's (78!).  But things were wonderful at the Holden house.

Parker (3 months)
Littlest man had a pretty good week.  He's been fighting some congestion which has meant shorter naps and waking up a bit at night.  He also seems to be going through a bit of a growth spurt (this many just be a perpetual thing!).  He has been going down great at night.  We are doing diaper and feeding at 7 and he is out by 7:10 usually until sometime between 1 and 3.  Mom and dad could do with a bit more sleep but Parker doesn't seem to mind one bit!
Though he might mind a little when mom dresses him up in silly outfits ;)
We were fortunate to get a quick outing with just little Parker this week to the GT basketball game.  He slept most of the time...
But woke up to take a quick picture and cheer on the Jackets to a win.

Carter (22 months)
Carter is another month older and turning into quite the little man.  Dad had to go out of town for work so Carter took over as man of the house.  He was very serious about keeping things safe and insisted on taking his foam finger to bed in case any intruders showed up.
Here are some pictures of the little guy from this week!
Leggo my Eggo!
Waffle Monster
Time for a Hair Cut
Shopping at Trader Joe's
Naptime with Dad
The boys are still doing quite well.  Carter gets really excited when Parker gets to come visit him during the day at school.  He likes to show off "My Parker" to all his friends and makes sure no one gets to close to the baby (his teachers like to tell us stories about how cute he is with his baby brother).
He also likes to help make sure Parker is happy.  When Parker cries, he will give him his paci, rock his seat or sing to him in the car.  He also tries to imitate dad's favorite trick of rubbing Parker's lips.
Gets the baby smiling every time (mom/dad too)!

We are spending lots of time as a family and the boys are more interactive with each other and it's a lot of fun to watch.

Until next week, keep hanging around!

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