Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (4 months)
Parker had a rough week with the crazy Atlanta pollen.  He has been really congested which has made for difficulty sleeping and feeding.  His sleep schedule has been challenging particularly at night.  He usually take 3-4 naps a day and they have been pretty consistent in length for several weeks now.  At night he is going down for around a 5-6 hour stretch to start at 7 but then he is up every 1-2 hours until 6am when he is up for the day.  We're hoping he grows out of this phase soon!
On a fun note, dad got Parker to laugh for the first time this week.  And he is loving the wheels on his exercauser.  He likes to make them spin over and over.  It takes tough concentration but he is great at it!
We have been working on Parker's tummy time but it isn't his favorite activity.
Eating has been going really well.  We have been feeding Carter at night after his 6 o'clock feeding.  He wasn't quite sure what to think at first.
But he has been taking a little more each day and does really well with the spoon.
He smiles throughout his meals.  A gummy grin with a little rice cereal is quite adorable!
Parker is still a happy and easy baby.  He loves attention and will reciprocate smiles with one back.  His arch nemesis is the red light but big brother helps him through them by singing to him whenever we stop!

Carter (22 months)
Carter has been a super happy, energetic toddler this week. He has figured out how to jump off the ground and he loves doing it.  He has also been extremely smiley and giggly this week.  We're not quite sure where all this energy came from but it's really fun to see.

He has also been an adorable big brother.  He has a crying fit this week when he and dad were going to gym class and he had to leave Parker at home.  He was VERY unhappy that the baby wasn't coming.  He has been helping calm Parker down when he cries by singing or telling him to 'sshhh'.

Here are a few Carter pics from this week.
Imitating Parker doing Tummy Time
Double fisting at the grocery store with a cookie and turkey
Proud of his baby brother doing well with his eating

1 comment:

  1. "His arch nemesis is the red light" - absolutely hilarious! :) Such cute boys! Love the food pics and Carter is such a great older brother!
