Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (3 months)
Parker is such a cute little baby.  The ladies at daycare call him the "doll" since he seems to look just like one.

Parker spends more time each week "playing" in his exercauser...
and on his floor mat (dad got fancy with the camera!).

He is generally a happy baby and does a good job of letting mom and dad focus on Carter who definitely requires LOTS of attention.  We try to get in lots of snuggles with him while we can.  Although he is still so little he has changed so much in just a few months and we know how quick this stage passes!
Parker is still fighting a little cold which upsets his sleep some.  Other than that he is doing great and such a sweet little doll baby!

Carter (22 months)
Carter is a typical opinionated toddler!  His opinions are typically around food/drinks.  It's very important to make sure he has the right cup, let him feed himself...
and always have the right snacks!
If those things are all in order, Carter is all smiles!
It's so much fun to see him turning into a little boy.  His vocabulary is growing each week and this week we had a real conversation where I asked questions, he responded and then asked something back.  He has also started showing a real interest in pretend play.  He like to pick up objects, pretend they are a phone and call dad.  
Carter has also been in an affectionate mood giving mom and dad lots of hugs/kisses and asking to hold our hands.
He might be picking this up from his "girlfriend" at school who often runs to great him with a hug when he gets to school.  And Carter's affection doesn't stop with mom/dad....

Baby Brother also gets some of Carter's affection...
Carter does a great job helping mom get Parker to school in the mornings.  He like to help carry the car seat and will try to calm Parker down when he gets upset.
Mom and dad love these little guys very much!

1 comment:

  1. Parker is so cute. I love the chubby cheeks! And he is starting to look more like Carter to me. Sounds like everything is under control in the Holden house...time for a baby girl? ;)
