Wednesday, April 4, 2012

23 Months Old

Guess who is almost 2!
That's right, Carter is only a month away from his second birthday.  Here is a quick overview of what the little guys is up to...

Sleeping - Carter goes down around 8 and wakes up between 7 and 7:30.  He takes 1 nap a day around 11:30 and it lasts 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours.

Eating - Carter eats a wide variety of food but his likes/dislikes change daily and during meals.  He frequently says he doesn't like something only to eat it a minute later.  He loves to feed himself and does it well with a spoon.  He has recently started to get the hang of working the fork.

Playing - Carter loves to play with balls, instruments, cars, read books and ride bikes.  Lately he prefers anything he can do outside.  He also loves the TV but usually only stays interested in something for 10 minutes.  He likes to watch anything about animals, trains, planes or involving songs.  His favorite activity is watching "Wheels on the Bus" on YouTube.  It's a great distraction while trying to feed him dinner.  He loves rough housing and tickling.

Sizes - Carter is still in a size 4 diaper.  He wears size 6 shoes and 2T/24 month clothes.  He likes to have input into what he wears including which Sesame Street character is on his diaper.

Talking - Carter picks up a few new words each week.  He strings together several words and will ask questions.  Lately he likes to ask "What is that?".  He also likes to repeat what mom/dad say.  He has learned to say "Sorry" after he does something wrong.

Motor Skills - Carter is running, jumping and hopping these days.  He likes to do forward rolls (they are more like side rolls).  He is a great climber (thankfully he hasn't climbed out of the crib again since that on time in December).

Big Brother - Carter is great with Parker.  He insists on carrying Parker's bottles into daycare each morning.  He gets concerned when Parker isn't around.  He likes to sit at the dining room table with us while we feed Parker dinner.  When Parker cries, he tries to bring him a blanket or paci.

Overall, Carter is just so much fun.  He can definitely throw a temper tantrum but he is usually back to smiling and laughing within a few minutes.  Stay tuned for the last month of Carter's 1 year old adventures!

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