Sunday, April 8, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (4 months)
Parker is still fighting his congestion.  I think he has been congested since January 1st.  I'm not sure if it is allergies, sickness, teething or just being a baby.  Unfortunately it affects his sleep and he wakes himself up coughing each night.  He goes down around 7 each night and wakes up sometime between 1 and 4.  After his first wake up, he is up every 1-2 hours after that.  It also doesn't help that he has been breaking out of his swaddle.  He flailing arms wake him up!

Parker was involved in his first fight this week.  He wasn't the one fighting... he's too sweet ;)  He actually had two teachers fighting over him.  They both wanted to hold him so it was rock, paper, scissors to determine who got the honor!

We've also noticed over the past few weeks that Parker has picked up a specific trait from his dad.  He sneezes when he looks at sun.

Here are a few pictures of the cute little guy this week.
Yum... Carrots!
Excited about school
Playing catch with his feet.
Sweet Potatoes
Enjoying his Exercauser
It's fun but requires lots of concentration
Carter (23 months)
Carter is loving the Spring weather and had been taking advantage with nightly walks around the neighborhood.  He loves anything having to do with being outside.  It's been fun watching him start to make friends with the neighborhood kids.  He also likes to play with mom and dad.  He and dad have been taking advantage of our proximity to the Silver Comet Trail with regular bike rides.  And he likes to have mom chase vans around the neighborhood (they are usually much quicker than us!).

Being outside has also improved Carter's sport's abilities.  He has gotten quite good at kicking the soccer ball.  He has also been working on his basketball, baseball, tennis and golf games!

When not outside, Carter's next favorite place is the minivan!  He likes to play in the back as if it's a fort. He has also become a bit of a backseat driver.  He likes to tell mom to go "this way".  It's hard to tell where he is pointing since he is still rear-facing.  So I usually guess, if I guess wrong Carter lets me know!

Lastly, Carter has piked up a new favorite word this week - "yea".  It was cute at first but we're working to get him back to saying "yes".

Here are your weekly Carter pics.
Eating the ball
Happy boy!
Play Ball
Dinner outside with dad
Keeping up with a toddler can be exhausting
Nightly bike rides
New game... ride on the broom
I love Bananas
Personalized Saturday pancakes
Enjoying above pancakes from little brother's exercauser

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