Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Afternoon

After a quick nap, we changed the boys into their Easter clothes and headed over to Grandmama's to spend the afternoon with the Jones family.
Dad was excited about the family time and wasted no time getting into the Easter spirit.
We tried to take a picture with the boys in their Easter blue but between a misplaced finger and a soaking wet Carter, it turned out like this.
How did Carter get wet you ask?  Well it started out innocently enough playing with cousin Samantha and the water table.
But then Carter got an idea.
When the water table would spray up, Carter would stand over it.  He thought this was hilarious.
Do you think Uncle Reid put a stop to the fun... no!  In fact he started a new game of splashing water at each other and putting water on Carter's head.
Fortunately we were able to convince the little guy to come inside where he won this jar of candy for guessing how many pieces of candy are in the jar (he guessed 275 and actually was 271).
We snapped a quick family picture...
before Parker passed out...
and Carter went outside for more fun!
At this point, the little guy was soaked so grandma came to the rescue with an old outfit of Uncle Reid's (this was Carter's 4th outfit of the day!).  He looked pretty cute especially in contrast to Uncle Micheal's manly plaid shirt.
The outfit definitely had an 80's cut to it.
But Carter didn't care because he could still play golf in it.
It was time to go before Carter got into anything else, so we rounded up the boys and hit the road!
It was a great afternoon with the family!

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