Monday, September 16, 2013

Indianapolis - Day 4

We had a mid-afternoon flight out of Indy on Monday and Carter kept seeing the billboards for the "Drum Museum", actually called Rhythm Discovery Center.  To kill some time before we had to be at the airport, we headed on over.  Carter waited patiently for the gates to open.
I am not sure what we were expecting, but the place didn't disappoint.  There were numerous exhibits on all types of percussion instruments.  Parker tried his hardest to get a good boom out of this large drum, but it was all he could do to just get the drum stick in the air.
Carter thought the gong was going to be awesome.  The look of surprise on his face when he made contact was hilarious.  He did not expect such a loud ringing and was actually a bit scared of it afterwards.
Parker ran on ahead and started to get some rhythms going
In no time we had our own little drum circle started.
There were drums everywhere, and Carter and Parker made sure all were given equal and sufficient time and attention.
The giant wind chime was a favorite of Parker's.  He seemed more interested in playing with it like a tether ball though.
The loudest items were in nice sound proof rooms... nice for those on the outside of the sound proof rooms.  Here is Parker's best Ringo Star impression.
Carter didn't seem to learn his lesson from the gongs and made Dad hit the cymbals.  You can tell by his reaction that they were loud!
Parker kept drumming away, he had a blast so long as a drum stick was in his hand.
The chimes were something that grabbed his particular attention.  I don't know if it was due to the sound or the fact that they were shiny and at head level, but he played them hard.
Carter also got his licks in on the full set.
He not only played the drums, but did some excellent singing as well.  Turns out the ABCs has a percussion accompaniment.
We tested out the timpani with many different mallets and sticks.
We soon realized that Parker had wandered off, but were relieved to find him back at his drum circle.  He did not seem to care that his circle was a solo act.
Luckily Carter got into the circle and they even had a dancer appear in the middle!
After a brief walk through downtown Indy to see the memorials...
and just goof around on the streets...
It was time to say goodbye and head to the airport.
Parker found a new way to get around the airport.  Looks comfy!
Parker again was in love with the planes and the airport, but once he stepped onto the plane he realized where he was and what was about to happen (flight) he started to scream "NO!".  Luckily we were able to calm him quickly.  He was asleep on Dad before the plane took off and didn't wake till be landed.  It was a great trip, but we were glad to be home as well.

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