Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Prepping for a Hootnenany

The reason for our trip to Colorado was to see our friends Kevin and Megan (aka Sherpa and Stout) get married. So after our visit to Ft. Collins we headed to Lyons, CO.

We started our morning with a happy baby Carter who was curious about where he was.

After a little playing, dad got Carter dressed. Notice the onesie choice and the popped collar ;)
After a quick car ride, we arrived at the Stone Mountain Lodge ....

For the beginning of the Hootenany festivities!

Dad spent the afternoon tubing while mom and Carter took a nap.

After everyone got cleaned up, we grilled out, played some yard games and enjoyed catching up with some good friends.

Carter was a cutie pie and showed off his smile to the ladies instead of sleeping.Eventually he got tired of all that smiling and slept like a baby while the festivities continued.
Here is Colin posing with the Dixon's. David was too preoccupied blowing Carter kisses to pay attention to the camera.
The girls did a better job paying attention. It was a great way to kick off the wedding weekend!