Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Developmental Milestone

Carter recently hit a very big milestone in a baby's life. Can you spot it from the picture below? Carter knows....

No it's not the crazy early morning hairdo, it's Carter's first zipper! That's right, Carter finally wore a zipper. What a big boy!

Hmmm... Carter says that doesn't seem to exciting.
Well he's sort of right. The zipper was great but the big news us that Carter rolled over! He was having so much fun at the lake he decided to mark the occasion. He was very proud of himself and so were mom/dad until they realized their little guy was now mobile. That means this weekend will be spent baby proofing the Holden residence.

1 comment:

  1. YAY Carter!! Thanks for making a special memory at our house... now you'll always remember us :)... or at least mom & dad will!
