Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Few Pics from Week 20

It's always amazing to me how much things can change from week to week with a baby. Here are a few pics of what Carter is doing during week 20 (my how time flies!).

He is a very happy baby. The ladies at daycare always mention his love of smiling and chatting with everyone. He likes to sit in the Exercauser by the door so he can great everyone when they arrive.He is finally starting to figure out his jumper. He will play in it for extended periods and laugh at himself when he makes it jump.
He is really improving at sitting up unsupported. He can do it for 10-20 seconds and can go longer when using his hands like a tripod. He enjoys sitting in dad's lap and watching football like a big boy.
Carter loves the mornings and enjoys hanging out and making faces at mom before we leave for school. He has started to develop separation issues and will usually cry once we get in the car and then stop as soon as he sees mom again.
We are continuing with the rice cereal and Carter is eating more each day. We will probably start to introduce fruits and vegetables in the next few weeks. He is still getting use to sitting in his high chair like a big boy.Carter has really started to use his hands and when he's not pulling out mom's hair he is grabbing at his toys. He likes to see how many things he can fit in his lap at once. Luckily for Carter he's an only child at this point and doesn't have to share!Once he has his stash together he likes to leave his mark by chewing on each one.

There aren't any visible teeth yet but Carter is drooling like a fool and enjoys chewing on his chew toys and his frozen teethers.So much going on in Carter's life these days! Stay tuned for frequent changes!

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